Join AACRAO's Public Policy Advisory Group (PPAG)

In an effort to more actively engage members with public policy issues affecting their professions, the students they serve, and higher education as a whole, AACRAO is seeking new PPAG members.

The group provides an essential practitioner perspective on emerging legislation and public policy matters and serves as a practical resource to AACRAO’s Executive Director and Government Relations staff as they craft responses to proposed legislation or regulation. Areas of expertise may include:

  • Admissions,
  • Enrollment services,
  • Financial aid,
  • Access and equity,
  • Serving veterans and servicemembers,
  • Community colleges,
  • Graduate and professional education,
  • Competency based education,
  • Credit for prior learning, and others.

The Public Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) is composed of 12 members. Each member of PPAG serves a 3 year term, appointments are staggered so each year 4 individuals complete their term and 4 new members are added. After their term, individuals must be removed from the PPAG exchange and wait at least one year before re-applying to the Public Policy Advisory Group.

We look forward to forming a dynamic, engaged group that will help the association respond to emerging legislation and regulations to keep the membership informed.

Application to join the Public Policy Advisory Group (PPAG)

PPAG consists of 8-12 AACRAO members selected based on their areas of expertise and type of institution and will be representative of the regional, gender, and ethnic diversity of the association. Members will be appointed for a three-year term.

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