Join AACRAO's Public Policy Advisory Group (PPAG)
In an effort to more actively engage members with public policy issues affecting their professions, the students they serve, and higher education as a whole, AACRAO is seeking new PPAG members.
The group provides an essential practitioner perspective
on emerging legislation and public policy matters and serves as a practical resource to AACRAO’s Executive Director and Government Relations staff as they craft responses to proposed legislation or regulation. Areas of expertise may include:
- Admissions,
- Enrollment services,
- Financial aid,
- Access and equity,
- Serving veterans and servicemembers,
- Community colleges,
- Graduate and professional education,
- Competency based education,
- Credit for prior learning, and others.
The Public Policy Advisory Group (PPAG) is composed of 12 members. Each member of PPAG serves a 3 year term, appointments are staggered so each year 4 individuals complete their term and 4 new members are added. After their term, individuals must be removed from the PPAG exchange and wait at least one year before re-applying to the Public Policy Advisory Group.
We look forward to forming a dynamic, engaged group that will help the association respond to emerging legislation and regulations to keep the membership informed.