2020 Census & Student Privacy

The U.S. Census count is critical for determining representation and the allocations of federally funded programs, including those in higher education. Historically, certain groups of people have been disproportionately undercounted by the Census. The U.S. Census Bureau identifies all college students as a hard-to-count population because they are highly mobile, may live off-campus as renters, and often difficult to persuade to participate.

Lessons Learned from the 2020 Census Count

The shift to distance learning due to the COVID-19 outbreak forced students living both on- and off-campus to return home, complicating the U.S Census Bureau's 2020 enumeration operations. As a result of the pandemic, the Bureau suspended field operations and modified their efforts to ensure college students displaced from their dorms or off-campus housing because of the coronavirus were counted as living at school, an important consideration for federal benefits for the regions around campuses. The shift also altered the methods institutions historically utilized to respond to the Bureau, moving from methods that allow student self-response to campus officials reporting information on behalf of the student using administrative records.

In anticipation of the forthcoming 2030 Census, the Bureau recently reached out to partner with AACRAO to solicit feedback on the process or processes that institutions used to provide information for the 2020 Census count. The association hosted a listening session with Bureau representatives, conducted a member survey, and will gather a working group to inform and improve the Census Bureau's data collection process and minimize any undue burdens for stakeholders.

Executive Director Updates

AACRAO Takes the Lead for Higher Education to Ensure that the Census Does Not Overstep FERPA Regulations for Off-Campus Student Count | 06/18/2020

Mike Reilly discusses some concerns about what information institutions will be asked to provide as directory information.

  • Michael V. Reilly
  • AACRAO Guidance: The Census, Directory Information, and FERPA | 06/03/2020

    Mike Reilly discusses how institutions can work to provide the U.S. Census Bureau the relevant information needed to complete an accurate count.

  • Michael V. Reilly
  • U.S. Census Operation Update Webinar | 05/28/2020

    Mike Reilly discusses AACRAO's webinar with the U.S. Census Bureau, which provides updates on their modified data collection timeline, procedures, and field operations in light of the pandemic.

    2020 Census and FERPA FAQs

    Sample of Census Bureau responses to questions related to "Group Quarters Operations"
    • If a student has opted out of directory information, should that student's name appear on the roster?

      No, if a student has opted out of directory information, then that student’s name should not appear on the roster. The Census Bureau will request the room number for that student so that a package can still be prepared for that student.

    • What about international students?

      College students who are foreign citizens living in the United States while attending college in the United States (living either on-campus or off-campus)—Counted at the on-campus or off-campus U.S. residence where they live and sleep most of the time. If they are living in college/university student housing (such as dormitories or residence halls) on Census Day, they are counted at the college/university student housing. Therefore, these student should be included in the group quarters enumeration process.

      The goal of the U.S. Census Bureau is to conduct an enumeration of every person residing in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the Island Areas (the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). The U.S. Constitution requires that the Census Bureau not just attempt to offer information or a service to the population (as is the case with other federal government programs like voter registration, Social Security enrollment, and the use of national parks), but that the Census Bureau actually reach and count every person living in the United States and its territories—of all ages, residence statuses, and locations—whether or not they desire to participate, and regardless of whether they are difficult to find, reach, and count.

    • How does this pertain to commuter campuses, i.e., campuses that do NOT have on-campus housing?

      These campuses have no obligation for the 2020 Census if they do not have student living in on campus or off campus housing. The students will be counted at their residence.

    • How will you determine which residence is correct for a student that is reported on campus and in their home state?

      The 2020 Census residence criteria are used to determine the correct residence for various residence situations such as described above. This is why it is important that the Census Bureau receive complete data to be able to perform critical matching. The more complete the information, e.g. legal first and last names or complete DOB (month, day, and year), the more confident Census can be that two records that are linked together are the same person.

    • If using e-response and race/ethnicity and gender information is not included, will the information be considered complete for upload?

      The information will be considered complete if you provide complete “directory information.” Information required to help with non-duplication include Name, DOB or Age, Address of usual home elsewhere (where they live while not at campus housing). The more complete the information, e.g. legal first and last names or complete DOB (month, day, and year), the more confident Census can be that two records that are linked together are the same person.

    Download full faq


    U.S. Census Bureau: Building a Bridge of Partnership

    Sep 22, 2022, 13:05 PM
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    Summary : AACRAO and the Census Bureau call for members to participate in a working group to inform and improve the bureau's data collection process.
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    The United States Census Bureau's Outreach and External Stakeholder Engagement project team would like to thank members of the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) for sharing feedback to the 2020 Census Group Quarters Operations Lessons Learned Survey. Your feedback will serve as a valuable resource to enhance the group quarters data collection experience, externally and internally for decennial operations and surveys, as we look forward to the 2030 Decennial Census.

    Outreach involves initiating partnerships to engage external stakeholders throughout the decennial planning cycle to enhance all aspects of group quarters and other living quarters operations leading towards small-scale tests scheduled in 2025-2026, 2028 Dress Rehearsal, and the 2030 Census. The Census Bureau looks forward to a working partnership with members of AACRAO to help meet several critical goals and objectives that include: 

    • Working with external stakeholders to establish criteria for participating in the Census Bureau's Decennial Census and surveys, especially those with privacy laws. For example, establishing an agreement with the Department of Education that will allow all institutions the ability to provide specific data elements to the Census Bureau.
    • Gaining a better understanding about state and federal laws that affect both demographic and address data that GQ administrators collect from their residents and the specific demographic data they can legally provide to the Census Bureau. This will help explore alternative methods to obtain required demographic and address data in situations where there have been roadblocks.  
    • Exploring other self-response alternatives, such as Internet Self-Response, for GQ residents that would support the collection of quality data. 

    AACRAO and the Census Bureau are looking to have AACRAO members join a working group to explore these issues and  inform and improve the bureau's data collection process to minimize any undue burdens for stakeholders.  If you are interested in such a project, please email William Gil at gilw@aacrao.org, or Michelle Mott at mottm@aacro.org. A kick off meeting will be hosted at the end of October with interested members and Census Bureau representatives. 

    Categories :
    • Advocacy
    • FERPA
    • Records and Academic Services
    • State Relations
    Tags :
    • census
    • education department
    • Federal relations
    • privacy
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