As a membership-driven organization, AACRAO relies on the votes of its members to determine the next group of leaders. The following positions are open in the 2023 AACRAO election:
Vice President for International Education
Vice President for Leadership and Management Development
Vice President at Large
2024-2025 Nominations and Elections Committee
Did you know that only 4% of eligible voting members vote during each AACRAO election season?
Just 4%. That means that the vast majority of AACRAO members are not having their voices heard in the election process.
This year, we want to change that.
We need your help to increase voter turnout and ensure that the next group of AACRAO leaders is truly representative of our membership.
Here's what you can do:
Log onto the AACRAO website to view candidate position statements and vote today. Voting is open now and closes on October 31, 2023.
Encourage your colleagues to vote. Remind them of the importance of having their voices heard and help them to access the voting portal.
Share the word on social media. Use the hashtag #AACRAOVote to encourage your followers to vote and to learn more about the candidates.
AACRAO is a leading voice in the field of higher education, and its leaders play a vital role in shaping the future of the profession. By voting in the AACRAO election, you can help to ensure that the organization is led by a team of experienced and qualified
professionals who are committed to its mission and values.
Together, we can make a difference. Let's show AACRAO that we care about the future of our organization and that we're committed to having our voices heard.