Retired and Former AACRAO Members
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With AACRAO membership you'll be connected to more than 11,000 members from institutions around the world. Facilitate your professional development by attending discounted meetings, gaining complimentary subscriptions to our College & University journal and more.
Why should you join? Development never ends, retired or not. Keep current on trends in the field by collaborating with our members and lending your voice to discussions about practices in the field.
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Annual Membership Price: $151
AACRAO’s Book Club commenced last October, and it's been an education in the best possible sense. Over the last 14 months, the AACRAO Caucuses led the effort, with the chairs choosing the reading material and hosting the discussion at the end of the month.
Why book club?
What reading material do you suggest?
Book club can include novels of any style or genre (nonfiction, fiction, graphic, sci-fi, history, and beyond); short stories; essays; or whatever reading materials you'd like to share.
Submit your suggestions on our website. If your selection is chosen, we'll help you with the logistics and technical aspects.
Get involved at AACRAO
AACRAO Caucus Excellence Initiative: Share your skills
Our meetings, workshops, and international institutes are designed instruct, educate and foster collaboration between professionals and institutions. Connect with old friends and register for one today.
AACRAO's weekly e-newsletter delivering policy and industry news