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AACRAO's bi-weekly professional development e-newsletter

Leveraging your ASCEND Experience

Jun 10, 2024, 15:44 PM
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Summary : Taking advantage of professional development and community through the AACRAO Ascend Program.
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By Bethany ParmerRegistrar, College of Southern Idaho

The AACRAO ASCEND program focuses on providing the skills to mid-level higher education professionals to advance their careers within higher education, specifically enrollment management. The program provides you with live virtual sessions, micro courses, exclusive 1:1 coaching, and conference attendance, as well as the unique opportunity to write a SEM (Strategic Enrollment Management) plan for your own institution or university.

While the program offers all of these resources, it is up to the participant to utilize them effectively. To stay engaged, participants should actively participate in live sessions, complete micro-courses promptly, take advantage of coaching opportunities, and apply what they've learned by working diligently on their SEM plans. Setting specific goals, regularly reviewing progress, and connecting with peers for support and accountability can also enhance engagement and maximize the program's benefits.

Virtual Sessions 

ASCEND features live Zoom sessions throughout the program tailored to various aspects of leadership and enrollment management. These sessions provide the opportunity to learn from incredible leaders on a wide range of topics and ask questions as they arise. These leaders are genuinely invested in helping you learn and grow, offering practical advice and real-world examples from their experience.


The ASCEND program pairs scholars with seasoned enrollment management leaders for regular coaching sessions. This personalized coaching is a cornerstone of the program, offering tailored guidance and support. Through these sessions, I have had the opportunity to discuss my passions, seek advice on navigating complex situations at work, and clarify my goals and aspirations. The coaching relationship has been instrumental in my personal and professional development. I have learned the importance of being open and vulnerable, having difficult conversations, and proactively seeking support. The coaches are committed to our success, and it is crucial to utilize their expertise beyond just the scheduled meetings, fostering a relationship built on trust and mutual growth.

Support and Collaboration

The community of scholars within the ASCEND program is a vital component of the learning experience. Building strong connections with fellow participants enhances both personal and professional growth. The shared journey through the program creates a supportive network where we can exchange ideas, offer encouragement, and celebrate achievements. In my cohort, we have formed bonds that extend beyond the program, providing ongoing support as we balance work, life, and our ASCEND commitments. By prioritizing these relationships, we create a collaborative environment that fosters resilience and leadership development. The professional connections made through ASCEND can have a lasting impact on our careers.

Committing to Your Self

The effort you invest in the ASCEND program will directly influence the benefits you receive. To truly grow as a leader, it is essential to commit time and energy to all components of the program. As I approach the final months of the ASCEND program, I am profoundly grateful for its impact on my personal and professional growth. The knowledge, skills, and connections gained have been invaluable, and I am excited to see how the program continues to shape other higher education professionals interested in enrollment management leadership. I look forward to continuing to learn and grow over the next few months and am eager to see where the ASCEND program takes all of the scholars.

Categories :
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
Tags :
  • ascend
  • Professional Development
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