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SEM Conference - Navigating the Seas of Knowledge and Connection

Nov 10, 2023, 16:15 PM
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Summary : An in-depth review of the 2023 SEM Conference from the perspective of AACRAO member Tara Kent.
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By Tara KentDirector, Office of the Registrar, AMDA College and Conservatory of the Performing Arts

If you recently immersed yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of this year's SEM conference in Seattle, you likely departed with a treasure trove of insights that ranged from cutting-edge trends in higher education admissions and enrollment to game-changing resources for professional development. Exhibitors offered a plethora of technical tools, offering a firsthand look at innovations that could help with everything from curriculum management to enrollment growth, ensuring your institution thrives. Upon arriving home, as you begin to unpack your luggage, the process may mirror the unpacking of knowledge gained, determining how and where to implement these discoveries or pleasant reminders, which may include items that have been on your list of goals since the last AACRAO conference. While the thrill of uncovering new insights at SEM is undeniable, it is crucial not to overlook another compelling reason for attending—building your professional network. 

Why Network? 
Knowledge Exchange

On September 8, 1986, Oprah Winfrey embarked on the inaugural season of what became the renowned Oprah Winfrey Show. For East Coast dwellers like me, tuning in daily at 4:00 PM after returning home from high school was a ritual. This extraordinary woman introduced us to the transformative "Ah Ha” moment. Much like Oprah facilitated countless revelations, networking achieves a similar feat by connecting you with individuals who bring diverse perspectives and insights.

Whether managing your catalog, enhancing retention rates, addressing issues like the recent surge of anti-Semitism, or seeking a consultant for SEM development, networking opens doors to valuable guidance and varied viewpoints. Those who attend will encounter these moments during sessions, plenaries, and daily presentations.

For instance, at the conference's opening, Jack Shaw presented "Transforming Higher Education with Generative AI: Opportunities and Challenges," triggering one of my first "Ah Ha" moments. I've grappled with whether using ChatGPT for presentations or administrative tasks could be considered cheating. Jack provided clarity by emphasizing the importance of doing what our math teachers always asked us to do in school—"Show your work."

The "Ah Ha” moment confirmed that I am using AI appropriately, which is excellent for people like me to know, as working in the registrar's office commands integrity. 

The conference sessions, the books at the AACRAO bookstore, and the conference exhibitors provide numerous "Ah Ha" moments. Yet, it's crucial to recognize the significance of building a network with fellow professionals at these conferences. You can gather insights beneficial to your work in higher education from this network year-round.

Opportunity Exploration

As a staff member at The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (AMDA), I can envision the excitement our Music Theatre program students would have felt at the chance to network with a figure like Stephen Sondheim, an influential American composer and lyricist in musical theatre. Similarly, picture students from our Dance Theatre Program enjoying a casual chat with the legendary American dancer Alvin Ailey. Such interactions could have opened doors for them—whether to learn about auditions, seek professional advice, or establish connections with other icons in their field.

Correspondingly, as higher education professionals, we may come across our icons as we meet people from colleges and universities all around the country and the world. The experience provides a chance to explore opportunities. Whether it is an opportunity to obtain professional advice, relate to other industry professionals, or collaborate with people from other institutions to create articulation agreements, conduct research, or present at the next AACRAO conference. I met a dynamic individual during my visit to the 2023 Annual Conference, and this individual is now my mentor. At any time, I can ask them a question about policy or bounce ideas off them.

Although networking opens doors for career opportunities, AACRAO conferences are not just about a member's access to career opportunities but about exploring possibilities to collaborate with other institutions for mutual benefit. Additionally, colleges or universities facing challenges in filling positions or seeking insights into "hidden jobs" that can only be uncovered through networking have the chance to tap into the collective wisdom of others, obtaining recommendations and referrals. This connection extends beyond the conference sessions and exhibitors, serving as a crucial element and an additional advantage of participating.

Support System

Can you recall your initial experience in a swimming pool? Much like me, you might have worn inflatable arm floaties. The vivid orange color might have left you wondering if your parents used them to keep track of you while socializing with other parents at the pool or if they were indeed a safety device ensuring you stayed afloat. Assuming the reason is the latter, this precisely illustrates my experiences of networking at SEM. I have found a support system that keeps me afloat when facing career challenges. As a part of the Black Caucus, I can connect face-to-face with fellow members, nurturing my network of support. These are positive social connections with exceptional individuals throughout the higher education community.

If you are an introvert like me, you may occasionally tend to shy away from groups and social settings; however, research has shown that groups positively influence our overall health (Stuart, Stevenson, Koschate, Cohen, & Levine, 2022). Groups allow people to hear about similar experiences. When joining a group, a person can have a sense of belonging and solidarity that will help with professional development. This collectiveness motivates you to contribute to the group so that you are supported while supporting others (Levy & Friedman, 2019).


Essentially, conferences such as SEM in Seattle equip participants with valuable insights and tools, acting as catalysts for meaningful networking. The journey involves encountering pivotal moments of realization, exemplified by the transformative insights shared by Jack Shaw on AI. Networking goes beyond personal career growth, fostering collaboration, resource sharing, and connections with industry influencers. It's more than a path to career advancement; it functions as a crucial support system, offering positive social connections, a sense of belonging, and opportunities for collective professional development, resonating with the enthusiasm of professionals in higher education.

Categories :
  • Enrollment Management
  • Professional Development and Contributions to the Field
Tags :
  • sem2023
Photograph of the exhibit hall from SEM 2023.
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