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Emergent News

Minister of Education says there will be no change to Brazil's Enem in the coming years

December 20, 2023

The Minister of Education, Camilo Santana, confirmed that there will be no changes to the National High School Exam (Enem). Asked about the reform of secondary education, he said that a bill proposing changes to the model, which is in its second year of validity, should be sent to Congress later this month.

Guard the integrity of Kenya's national exams

December 19, 2023

In mid-October, a parliamentary probe revealed that cheating and attempts to gain undue advantage and score great results had resulted in parents and school administrators devising every method to beat the system.

Mass failure in Ethiopia's national exam calls for urgent intervention

December 18, 2023

Only 3.2% or 27,267 of the 845,099 students who wrote Ethiopia’s 2023 national school-leaving examination from July to August 2023 achieved the required 50% to qualify for tertiary education, the ministry of education recently announced.

Accommodation prepared for national exam candidates in Cambodia

December 15, 2023

Authorities in some provinces have announced the provision of free accommodation for students from remote areas who are taking this year’s high school Baccalaureate exams. The examinations are held on October 6 and 7 with results announced in November.

Paper registration for BEM & BAC 2024 in Algeria: dates and procedures revealed

December 15, 2023

The Ministry of National Education recently announced the start of the registration period for the Brevet d'Enseignement Intermediate (BEM) and Baccalaureate exams for the 2024 session. According to the official press release, registrations will begin by a few days and candidates will have 1 month to complete the online process.

Registration open for Saber 11 Test in 2024

December 13, 2023

The registration process is available and will be enabled until January 11, 2024, while the registration and extraordinary collection will be extended until January 19.

Agreements for system support ready for the upper secondary school in Sweden

December 12, 2023

The education administration has signed an agreement with Infomentor and Tietoevry on system support. In the fall of 2024, the city of Stockholm's upper secondary schools will start using the digital supports. It also means that the schools will no longer use certain systems in the school platform, as the agreements for these expire.

South Korea Education Ministry announces plan to reduce choice on college entrance exam from 2028

December 11, 2023

The Education Ministry announced the 2028 college admission plans, emphasizing the primary goal of the changes is to improve the fairness of the College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT).

PAES 2024 Calendar: Test dates and everything you need to know

December 08, 2023

The Undersecretariat of Higher Education and the Department of Educational Evaluation, Measurement and Registration (DEMRE) reported that there were 287,541 registered to take the Regular PAES on November 27, 28 and 29.

The introduction of centrally corrected national tests is accelerated in Sweden

December 07, 2023

There are big differences in how different teachers assess the national tests. Therefore, the government wants to make it possible to introduce centrally corrected national tests earlier than planned. The government proposes that SEK 133 million be set aside for 2024 for the work of introducing digital and centrally corrected national tests.


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