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52% of Castellón residents over 16 years of age do not have compulsory education

December 29, 2023

Generational reasons, others linked to the brick boom and the sheer, simple and harsh abandonment of school can explain that more than half of Castellón residents over 16 years of age do not currently have a Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO) degree. .

In Spain, one in four young people only has compulsory education

December 29, 2023

The Community reaches the lowest percentage in the historical series since 2002, when it stood at 35.3%, although it is still almost double the average of OECD countries, of 14%

Cantabria Governing Council approves several agreements to promote free educational resources and curricular materials

December 28, 2023

The Government Council has approved agreements with several local entities for the Educational Resources Program in the current school year and thus promote the progressive free-of-charge of curricular materials.

Mazón assures that the music subject will once again be mandatory in ESO in 2024

December 28, 2023

The president of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón , that the subject of music will no longer be a "mary" in compulsory secondary education and will be a mandatory subject starting next year to continue "training our young people."

A new Curriculum Design for Youth Secondary Education will be implemented in Argentina

December 27, 2023

In a meeting with directors, details were transmitted about this initiative that focuses on more participatory pedagogical methods adapted to the needs of young people, with the firm intention of promoting their active involvement in their own learning and comprehensive development.

Turkey Minister of National Education Tekin: We are working for a curriculum change to cover all classes

December 26, 2023

Minister Tekin emphasized that according to the law, there must be an interview in teacher appointments, and that the interview system is already continuing since there is no legal change, and said, "Therefore, it is currently a legal obligation to have an oral exam in teacher recruitment." he said.

Mendoza province of Argentina, registration for secondary education begins

December 26, 2023

Through memoranda 476, 480 and 483, the General Directorate of Schools (DGE) announced the start of registration for the first year of secondary education of the 2024 school year in the province of Mendoza .

More than 73,000 high school students will take the AVANZO 2023 test in El Salvador

December 25, 2023

The evaluation will be carried out in digital format. The instruments will be applied on November 15 and 16. The results will be sent on December 11, 2023.

CZ Education minister seeking extra funds to avert nationwide strike action

December 22, 2023

Education Minister Mikuláš Bek wants to seek additional funds for his sector at a meeting with coalition partners, the ctk news agency reported.

Portugal Minister of Education extends learning recovery plan

December 21, 2023

The Minister of Education, João Costa, extended the measures of the learning recovery plan after only 60% of schools had applied. Some deputies criticized the minister's decision during the parliamentary committee on Education and Science.


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