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The AACRAO Collective

Exclusive to AACRAO Members, the Collective Gathering provides a space for members to connect and exchange best practices and insights around common challenges and opportunities in Higher Education. Sessions typically take place on the fourth Thursday of most months. The 2023-2024 schedule can be found below. Check back often for updates, and register now to join fellow AACRAO members for these peer learning & networking opportunities.

Meeting Format and Discussion Topics

AACRAO Collective Gathering registrants receive discussion topics in advance of each meeting. To access discussion topics for each month's gathering, navigate to the individual meeting page and click on the specific meeting date.

During each hour-long meeting, member moderators introduce the topics and foster an open space for discussion. Attendees have a chance to deep dive into each topic during break-out sessions, then return to the full group to share discussion insights.

Have a particular topic that you would like to discuss in an upcoming meeting? You can submit your ideas using the form below:

Become a Member Moderator

The Collective Gathering is a space for AACRAO members to freely discuss whatever is on their minds. What’s going on at your institution? What sort of programs are each of you developing for your students during virtual, hybrid, or in-person classes? And just how are all of you really doing? Member moderators facilitate the hour-long discussion by fostering an open space for engagement and learning. This is a simple task composed of:
  • Introducing the discussion topic(s) for that meeting
  • Sharing your own insights and experiences
  • Encouraging attendees to share what's on their minds

Interested in becoming a member moderator? Click on the button below and submit the form: