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New educational platform in Uruguay for students of Primary and Secondary Education

December 14, 2021

The National Public Education Administration and Plan Ceibal present a new platform that accompanies the teaching and learning of the language from a communicative approach. This initiative is aimed at students of fourth, fifth and sixth grade of Primary and for the subject Spanish Language of first, second and third of Middle Education.

Meduca's modern system managed to capture 5 million notes

December 13, 2021

It was possible to collect 64% of the grades that educators register quarterly. In the first quarter, it was determined that the system captured eight million notes, which indicates that the process is agile.

MEC and ANEP presented the National Education Policy Plan 2020-2025

December 10, 2021

The Ministry of Education and Culture presented the National Educational Policy Plan 2020-2025 in which the ANEP actively participates as an autonomous entity. Pablo da Silveira, Minister of Education and Culture, and Robert Silva, President of the Central Directing Council of ANEP, explained the details of the project.

Icfes reminds what must be taken into account for the State exam

December 09, 2021

The Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education -Icfes provides a series of recommendations to the more than 650 thousand cited for the application on site, of the tests Saber 11 Calendar A, Pre Saber and Validation of the Academic Baccalaureate.

Panama President sanctioned law creating international baccalaureate in Panama

December 09, 2021

With the approval of Law No. 628, students from the country's official and private educational centers, of the intermediate level, will have the option of an international baccalaureate, which will allow them to access higher education throughout the world.

Thousands of Cuban students return to classrooms to fulfill their dream

December 08, 2021

More than 84,000 final year high school, pedagogical and professional technical students reincorporated into Cuban classrooms this week after several months of virtual classes due to the pandemic seeking to fulfill their dream: to graduate.

Educational authorities and directors of official schools seek alternatives to the educational process

December 07, 2021

Maruja Gorday de Villalobos and Guillermo Alegría, responded to some concerns expressed by the directors, among these, those of the FECE, which to receive it, the presentation of the accounting report of the previous year is required, to manage the deposits of 2020.

National exams and scouting tests are expected to "return to normal" this year

December 07, 2021

In the last two years, the assessment tests and final exams for the 9th grade were suspended, with only the national exams for the 11th and 12th grade being held. A return to normality is expected this year.

National exams will have more mandatory questions to avoid "too high" grades

December 06, 2021

In some subjects, national exams will have up to three times as many mandatory questions as last year.

Portugal National exams begin with students taking Portuguese language test

December 06, 2021

The 1st phase of national secondary education exams starts with the 12th grade Portuguese exam. There are 151,863 students registered to take 246,499 tests in this 1st phase. The second phases of national secondary education exams will start in a few months.

Dozens of Hong Kong schools hit by falling enrolment face ‘inevitable’ closures as 40,000 families leave city

December 03, 2021

Dozens of Hong Kong primary and secondary schools face closure as a result of falling enrolment, a situation made worse by the departure of about 40,000 families who emigrated over the past year, according to the head of the city’s biggest pro-establishment education group.

Hong Kong pupils ‘can get full marks’ for national security law questions under new marking scheme

December 03, 2021

Marking guidelines for the revamped subject say candidates can get full marks if their answers mention positive impact of law on city and cite government data in support

A new national curriculum sparks a backlash in Pakistan

December 02, 2021

Teachers and parents worry that English-language skills are being replaced by religious content.

Maintenance of Tunisia national exam calendars in the governorates declared to be clusters

December 01, 2021

The Tunisia national examinations are continuing, therefore, normally including in the governorates declared clusters. The written exams for the first day of the main session of the Baccalaureate for the year 2021 kick off.

Bangladesh UG Exam Results Delay A Roadblock In PG Admissions

December 01, 2021

Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan has written to Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik seeking his personal intervention for immediate furnishing of provisional final semester result or mark sheet for Under-Graduate (UG) students in Odisha.

Public sector high school students are about to start accelerated English classes virtually in El Salvador

November 30, 2021

The educational authorities assure that they have already signed an agreement with the platform provider Platzi and that they will withdraw “full English” students in 12 months.

South Africa’s new school calendars

November 29, 2021

The Department of Basic Education has gazetted the proposed school calendar for the 2023 academic year for comment and confirmed the school calendar for the 2022 school year.

Grade improvements will replace internal rankings for Portugal Secondary schools

November 29, 2021

11th graders cannot yet enroll for improvement as they do not yet have an internal classification given by the schools. The improvements will only count towards the average admission to Higher Education and will replace the internal rankings.

20,000 students are without reporting to the El Salvador public education system

November 26, 2021

The official pointed out that they have also identified that 22,000 students who were cared for in private schools migrated this year to the public educational service. The authorities have not yet spoken of school dropouts, as they are confident that the school children will return.

Baccalaureate 2020/2021 in Tunisia - A success rate that has not been achieved for ten years

November 26, 2021

The overall success rate (main session and control session) in the baccalaureate exams for the 2020/2021 school year reaches a record level of 57.52%, which has not been achieved for ten years.


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