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El Salvador school year begins on February 6 and will be 100% face-to-face

February 06, 2023

After three years with restrictions due to covid-19, this 2023 classes will be 100% face-to-face, MINED said yesterday. Private schools start the school year on January 16.

Australia's schools reform to follow poor report card

February 03, 2023

The Australian government responds to report that almost 90,000 students not meeting the minimum standards for reading or numeracy.

El Salvador government's articulation and school advancement efforts

February 02, 2023

The Government of President Nayib Bukele is advancing in its efforts to comprehensively improve the education system. During the current administration, the largest investment has been allocated to provide teachers and students with tools that help reduce the digital divide.

70,000 El Salvadorian high school graduates will take the AVANZO test in 2022

February 01, 2023

The test took place from November 14 to 17, reported the Ministry of Education. It will be virtual, although the State portfolio will offer physical tests for students with visual disabilities, deprived of liberty and other cases that require it.

Bolivia President Arce supports the implementation process of the updated educational curriculum

January 31, 2023

During the Extraordinary National Expansion of the Single Teachers of Bolivia of the MAS-IPSP, held at the Ministry of Education, President Luis Arce Catacora expressed his support for the process of implementing the educational curriculum updated, since it ensures that it promotes the objective of the country that its Government has.

Bolivia Minister of Education guarantees the start of classes on February 1

January 31, 2023

The Minister of Education, Edgar Pary Chambi, guaranteed the start of educational activities from next February 1 throughout the country. The authority expressed his full confidence in the vocation of service of his fellow teachers for Bolivian education.

Australian universities to return to ‘pen and paper’ exams after students caught using AI to write essays

January 31, 2023

Australia’s leading universities say redesign of how students are assessed is ‘critical’ in the face of a revolution in computer-generated text

Universities in Hong Kong will require students to pass national education courses before graduating

January 27, 2023

Universities in Hong Kong will require students to pass national education courses before graduating. Broadcasting national achievements on campus and voluntary walking tours among additional initiatives planned by universities to foster identity among students.

Portugal will be one of the few European countries without secondary school completion exams

January 26, 2023

Portugal will be one of the few European countries without secondary school completion exams. End-of-cycle tests also serve to rank candidates for higher education in most European education systems, as has been the case in Portugal since the 1990s.

Spain's new selectivity is postponed until the academic year 2027-2028

January 25, 2023

The new model of Evaluation of the Baccalaureate for University Access , better known as EBAU or selectivity , which the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP) had proposed to launch in the 2026-2027 academic year, will be extended for another year .


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