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Emergent News

44,000 DSE pupils take last ever liberal studies test under Hong Kong’s university entrance exams

May 10, 2023

Questions about city’s plastic shopping bag charge and quality of life for elderly residents appear in final exam. Controversial subject soon to be scrapped to make way for revamped syllabus under ‘citizenship and social development’.

China plans to allow foreign universities to independently operate in Hainan FTZ

May 09, 2023

China has released a plan to permit foreign higher education institutions and those from the Hong Kong and Macau special administrative regions and Taiwan to independently set up and run universities and higher vocational schools in the Hainan Free Trade Zone (FTZ).

School exams session in 2023 for Cote d'Ivoire

May 08, 2023

The 2023 school exam calendar was made public by the Ministry of National Education and Literacy. The Elementary Primary Education Certificate (CEPE), the First Cycle Education Certificate (BEPC) and the Baccalaureate (BAC) are the exams concerned by the said schedule.

NWT change the weighting of Grade 12 exams

May 05, 2023

The Northwest Territories is changing the weighting of year-end exams for Grade 12 students for the current school year. They will count for 20% of the final grade, instead of 30%.

Abitur exams in NRW postponed due to technical breakdown keep

May 04, 2023

The high school exams planned for Wednesday in North Rhine-Westphalia have been postponed to Friday at short notice due to massive technical problems.

Final exams again with Corona "bonus" in Hamburg

May 03, 2023

Pupils in Hamburg will once again receive a corona "bonus" this year: Important exams will be made a little easier - just like in the past two years. The school authorities are thus following a decision by the Conference of Ministers of Education.

Jordan 'Tawjihi' to become two-year program starting 2024-2025

May 03, 2023

'Tawjihi,' which is the national general secondary education certificate examination, will become a two-year program starting the academic year (2024/2025), as announced by the Ministry of Education.

Singapore students to enter secondary school via posting groups mapped from current streams; form classes will be mixed

May 02, 2023

This comes after a common Singapore-Cambridge Secondary Education Certificate exam will replace the O-Levels and N-Levels from 2027.

Madrid announces new tests so that those over 18 years of age can obtain Secondary

May 01, 2023

The Community of Madrid has convened new free tests so that those over 18 years of age can obtain the Compulsory Secondary Education title with the aim of acquiring the basic elements for their incorporation into subsequent studies or for their labor insertion.

Jordan Education Ministry sets date for 2023 Tawjihi exam

April 28, 2023

The Ministry of Education announced that it has set the date for General Secondary Education Certificate Examination (Tawjihi) for the year 2023.


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