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Emergent News

"Finish your High School" campaign launched so that around 150 thousand people can finish their high school in CDMX

July 05, 2024

There are various modalities through which people interested in completing their studies at that school level can take the course and obtain their certificate.

How studying for the International Baccalaureate online has been life changing for one student

July 04, 2024

When Rhiannon Clark found attending college difficult because of a debilitating condition, she discovered a new route to university that was perfect for her.

MEP makes changes to distance learning baccalaureate program

July 03, 2024

The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) has announced important changes to the Distance Education Diversified Baccalaureate Program (EDAD) with the aim of better adapting to the needs of Costa Ricans.

There are more students registered for exams this year in Portugal. Portuguese is once again the most popular test

July 02, 2024

This is a year of transition between the rules in force since the pandemic and the new national exam regime. There are 156 thousand students enrolled, but, by comparison, fewer want to go to university.

Icfes rejects false versions about the postponement of the Saber 11 Calendar A Tests

July 01, 2024

The Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (Icfes) emphatically rejects the false versions circulating about the postponement of the Saber 11 calendar A tests for 11th grade students throughout the country. It is important to clarify that the application of these tests will be carried out on Sunday, August 18, 2024.

Number of students enrolled in secondary exams rises again in Portugal

June 28, 2024

Total enrollment exceeds 156 thousand students. Changes in the rules for completing secondary education and access to higher education already affect students in the 11th year

EQF Studies Australia & Europe

June 27, 2024

This report presents the findings of the joint Australia – Europe working group on a comparative analysis of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Portugal Exams and tests: flaws were detected in 45% of inspected schools

June 25, 2024

Exams and tests: flaws were detected in 45% of inspected schools In 25 of the 55 schools in which the General Inspectorate of Education and Science supervised the carrying out of national tests and exams, flaws were detected in these processes, which causes “concern.

Portugal Year 9 exams will be paper-based this year

June 24, 2024

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation accuses the previous Government of not having ensured the necessary conditions for schools to carry out final tests in digital format, as planned.

Portugal schools in 'time trial' to be able to carry out national tests and exams

June 21, 2024

Schools will have a budget of 6.5 million euros for the purchase of new computers, revealed this Monday by 'Jornal de Notícias': the measure, approved by the Council of Ministers last Thursday, aims to replace the equipment damaged or in no condition and thus allow the carrying out of assessment tests (2nd, 5th and 8th years) and national tests for the 9th year, which will be in digital format this year.


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