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  • Does our AACRAO Membership include AACRAO EDGE or vice versa?
    While having an AACRAO Membership subscription entitles you and your team to discounted Membership pricing for EDGE, AACRAO Membership and AACRAO EDGE are two separate entities and having one doesn't permit access to the other. 
  • Does EDGE provide transcript evaluations or extra copies of old evaluations?
    In short, no. AACRAO discontinued all international credential evaluation services in 2016 and, as of 2019, can no longer provide extra copies of existing evaluations as this data was not maintained. We recommend contacting the institution, organization, or company that requires your evaluated transcript and having them refer you to a list of their approved evaluation agencies. 

    In addition, AACRAO cannot speak on behalf of LSAC. All LSAC evaluation questions should be directed to LSAC's contact and support page.
  • I’m locked out of some content and I believe that I shouldn’t be. What’s going on?

    There are a few reasons you may be locked out. 

    1. Make sure you're logged in.

    2. AACRAO Membership does not include access to EDGE. If you're interested in Subscribing to Edge, find out more here.

    3. Though your institution may have purchased an EDGE Subscription, you may not be on it. The Edge Manager for your account needs to assign your account to the Subscription for you to have access.

    4. When your Subscription is renewed, your assignment may not have rolled over. Verify that the appropriate Subscribers are listed using the "View EDGE Subscribers" tab. Your EDGE Manager can reassign you to the EDGE Subscription.

    5. If you are certain that you are logged in correctly to an account already assigned to an active EDGE Subscription, the problem may be with your browser. Resetting your cache and cookies and logging in again should solve the problem.

  • Can I get training on using EDGE?
    Join the EDGE User Group, an incredible, free resource where you can talk directly with other users who analyze, research, and issue advice on credentials and grading scales within EDGE. Also, our User Guide has some excellent information on how to use EDGE.

User Roster Management (EDGE Manager, etc)

  • I’ve lost access to the account because the person who managed it previously has moved on. How can I recover access?
    Please write us an email at EDGE Customer service and we’ll help you restore your account.
  • Is it possible to remove individuals from our roster list?
    The EDGE Manager can un-assign contacts and thereby remove their access to a subscription; however, those unassigned contacts will remain on the list of possible subscribers.
  • Do users I add receive immediate access?

    In short, yes. If you've added an individual via 'Add New Member' and clicked on the 'assign' check mark, they should have access immediately. 

    Adding a new individual via our 'Add New Member' button prompts our system to send login credentials to this individual's email. They can use these credentials to log in to EDGE and access the database. However, be sure to search existing members before creating a new member since creating a duplicate record will create login issues and errors preventing their access to EDGE.

  • How can I edit my roster in the 30-day period before renewing?

    If you are within 30 days of your renewal period and someone on your team needs access, we can provide temporary access if you email EDGE Customer Service with the individual's full name, email address, and job title. Later, once your subscription is renewed, this temporary access will expire, and the EDGE Manager will need to add them to the roster from their account for them to continue working with EDGE.

  • How do I view/add/remove individuals from my EDGE subscription roster?

    Only the EDGE manager can view/edit the subscription from their account. 

    When you log into your AACRAO Community account, you'll see a tab for 'Company Memberships,' otherwise, click on 'Profile,' which will take you to the same page.

    Click on the 'Subscriptions' tab and you'll see your EDGE Subscription (as long as your subscription is (1) active and (2) not within 30 days of expiration) and you'll want to press 'Manage'. 

    Under 'Payment Settings,' you'll see a tab called 'Members,' where you can edit your user roster.

    If they have a check next to their name in the 'Assigned' column, they are counted as a user on your account and can access. If you need to add another individual, search for them by name first. Duplicate records can cause login issues. If the person doesn't exist, press 'Add Member.' Login codes will be sent to the Member who is created. If you accidentally create a duplicate record, please contact EDGE Customer Service for assistance.

  • How do I know who our EDGE Manager is?
    After logging in, click on "My Account" and then "View EDGE Subscribers" to see a list of Subscribers and Managers for your account.

Subscriptions, Pricing, Renewals

What is the small business discount and am I eligible?

Apr 19, 2024, 09:45 AM
Title : What is the small business discount and am I eligible?
Our small business discount is available to businesses that gross less than $500,000 annually (verified annually, per renewal, through audited financial statements, a 990, an 1120s, or Schedule C). If eligible, we grant a 40% discount on our 10-user tiered EDGE subscription

You can apply by selecting that you are interested when completing our EDGE Subscription Request form.
Tags :
  • Global
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Credential Evaluation

  • Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?
    • AACRAO as a body does not approve any institutions. An institution must be recognized by the relevant body or authority in its own country to be considered recognized/approved.
    • The AACRAO Exchange is an excellent place to ask your colleagues about their experiences with the school and country, in general. Whenever you have useful information or suggestions, please share with your colleagues! Your experience is valuable and helpful to others.
    • AACRAO EDGE subscribers can navigate to the appropriate country and look in the Resources section for information on recognition bodies and lists of institutions maintained in-country. Also, some static lists have been posted in Institutions in Resources. It is always a best practice to use the most recent information available when evaluating the status of an institution, rather than a static list.
  • I don’t see this credential within EDGE. Can you help me better understand this?
    This is an excellent question to pose to our IESC (International Education Standards Council) which determines academic placement suggestions for foreign credentials as well as grading scale equivalency suggestions. Please submit a copy with the personal information redacted through the Request an Update form here or on the appropriate country's EDGE profile. The IESC meets twice monthly and will perform research to identify new documents, so please be patient. You can bookmark a country profile to be alerted if it is updated. 
  • I disagree with your assessment of this credential.
    • Please send your statement using the Request an Update form on the Credential in question. Include your rationale.
  • How much transfer credit should we award for this credential?
    • AACRAO international offers trainings and workshops for everyone who works with international educational records that can better address this.
  • Can you provide some background information on a particular topic?
    • The AACRAO Exchange would be a fantastic place to find an expert in a particular area. There is a wide range of professionals participating that may be able to answer your questions; this is an excellent opportunity to learn from more experienced colleagues and share best practices and information with colleagues who are still developing their evaluation techniques.
  • How did you come up with the grading scales for this particular system?
    • Grade conversions are developed based on a number of factors. For example, the native grading system is taken into consideration, including what the grade represents in the country of study, the distribution of grades there, and whether it is a criterion-referenced system (set against a predetermined standard) or a norm-referenced system (set against other student performances). Some educational systems may have a marginal/conditional pass, which would be regarded as comparable to a grade of D in the United States. Such a grade, however is non-existent in other systems. Similarly, some countries may have a centralized, standardized grading scale, while others may have a variety of grading schemes. During this process, the minimum passing grade, the failing grade, and the top grade are also noted, along with the overall range of grades that make up a particular scale. This information is then collectively used to establish US grade equivalencies. Although the recommended grade conversions are provided in EDGE, users are always advised to check if a grading scale has been provided on the transcript of record for the studies in question.
  • What is this document that I’m looking at? Can I send you a copy of it?
    • EDGE does not evaluate documents or credentials or assess individual evaluators on credentials they are working on. However, AACRAO Members can connect with evaluators in the credential evaluation space who are often happy to help a colleague in the AACRAO Exchange.  
    • If you've checked the relevant EDGE page and believe that this document is not covered there, you can submit the document to the IESC for review, it is important that you redact the document to protect individual student privacy.
    • If the document is not yet in EDGE, we will need to do additional research before we can answer your question. The IESC is an volunteer group who meets twice monthly and so updates do take some time to complete.
    • If an EDGE profile describes a credential but does not contain an example document, please use the above link to submit it to the IESC. We are always happy to expand our collection. 
  • Are Screenshots of EDGE allowed?

    EDGE is copyrighted material. Violations of the terms of use will cancel subscription with no refund and may incur legal action. The terms of use for previous versions of EDGE strictly prohibited subscribers using screenshots of EDGE as supporting material.  We have reconsidered this policy in EDGE 3.0.

    A screenshot is for referential purposes is allowed by subscribers if properly attributed. A proper attribution looks like this: 
    <<,insert entity>> is a paid subscriber to the AACRAO Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE) and is sharing this information as a reference to an evaluation. Other use is strictly prohibited.
    “AACRAO EDGE <<insert country>> Profile.” <<insert country>>, AACRAO EDGE, <<insert access date>>, <<insert weblink to main profile>>.

    The AACRAO Electronic Database for Global Education (EDGE) is available to subscribers only. This rendering of a page in EDGE was created on the above date as a reflection of the database on that day. Users understand that the database is dynamic and credential advice is subject to change. Information and suggestions contained within are modified after additional research has been completed. New placement recommendations are reviewed and approved by the International Education Standards Council (IESC). Copyright © 2004 - 2020 American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.

Contact Us

Please email us at Include your name and your association/school in addition to your question.


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