Principauté de Monaco/Principatu de Múnegu/Principato di Monaco/Principat de Mónegue (The Principality of Monaco) is a city-state located on the northern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. It is bordered by France to the west, north and east. The population is 32,796 and the literacy rate is 99%. French is the official language, but English, Italian, and Monegasque are widely spoken. Monaco is the 2nd smallest independent state in the world.
Monaco traces its history back to 1228 when it was founded as a colony of Genoa. It was been ruled by the House of Grimaldi since 1297. In 1793, Monaco was captured by France and remained under French control until 1814. The Franco-Monegasque Treaty 1861 returned the sovereignty of Monaco. During World War II, Monaco was occupied by both Italy and Germany.
Primary Education
L'école primaire (Primary school) is 5 years beginning at age 6. Collège (Lower secondary school) is 4 years and leads to the Diplôme Nationale du Brevet (DNB).
Secondary Education
Lycée de l'enseignement général (General upper secondary school) is 3 years. At the end of the 3rd year, students sit for an external examination leading to the Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Général.
Lycée de l'enseignement technique (Vocational/technical upper secondary school) is 3 years. At the end of the 3rd year, students for an external examination leading to the Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Technique or the Baccalauréat Professionnel.
Post-Secondary Education
Most Monegasque students go to university studies in France. There is only one university based in Monaco, the International University of Monaco, which offers a 4-year Bachelor in Business Administration program as well as masters degree programs. The University's programs are based on the American model.
Vocational post-secondary programs are offered at the lycée technique. The Brevet de Technicen Supérieur (BTS) is a 2-year program following a Baccalauréat de l'Enseignement Technique or a Baccalauréat de ľEnseignement Général. A Diplôme de Comptabilité et de Gestion is awarded after 1 year of study following a Brevet de Technicen Supérieur (BTS)