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Jun 27, 2024

EQF Studies Australia & Europe

This report presents the findings of the joint Australia – Europe working group on a comparative analysis of the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) and the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

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Sep 13, 2022

75% success in end-of-year exams in Luxumbourg

The Ministry of National Education has just published the success rates for the various 2022 secondary school leaving exams. They are down slightly compared to previous years.

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Jul 5, 2022

Luxembourg Minister presents plan to extend compulsory education up to 18 years old

More than a third of students who drop out of school in the Grand Duchy are aged between 16 and 18, a rate considered "very high" by the government. The Minister of Education, Claude Meisch, will present this Tuesday the plan to extend compulsory education from 16 to 18 years old.

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May 31, 2022

Luxembourg with the highest dropout rate in the last five years

Most of these students were boys, in the 9th and 10th grades, and were repeating students, says the Ministry of Education.

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Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (The Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) is a landlocked country in western Europe and is bordered by France, Germany and Belgium. The population is 486,006 and the literacy rate is 100%. It is the only grand duchy in the world. Letzeburgesch (Luxembourgish) is the national language that is a Moselle-Franconian dialect. It is primarily used for oral communication, with German and French the administrative languages used for written communication.

Siegfried, the Count of Ardennes, founded Luxembourg in 963 AD. In 1815, as a result of an act of the Congress of Vienna, Luxembourg became a Grand Duchy in union with the Netherlands. In 1867, Luxembourg was granted independence. In 1957, Luxembourg was one of the six founding countries of the European Economic Community.


Currently, Luxembourg's education system is overseen by the country's Ministere de l’Educación national de l’Enfance et de la Jeunesse/Ministère vun der nationaler Erzéiung vun der Kanner a Jugend/Ministerium für nationale Erziehung von Kindheit und Jugend.

Primary Education

Education in Luxembourg is free and compulsory from ages 4 to 16. Two years of éducation préscolaire (preschool) beginning at age 4 is compulsory. L'enseignement primaire (Primary school) is 6 years beginning at age 6. Luxembourghish is the language of instruction. German is introduced in the first year, and more classes are taught in German every year throughout primary school. French is introduced towards the end of the second year of primary school and also becomes a language of instruction along with German.

Secondary Education

Lower secondary school is 3 years. Students have the option of continuing in a general or vocational/technical upper secondary school program. General L'enseignement secondaire (General upper secondary school) is 4 years and leads to the Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires.

L'enseignement secondaire technique (Technical/vocational upper secondary school) has 3 tracks: the régime vocational (vocational track), régime technique (the technical track), and the régime de la formation de technicien (technician training track). The vocational track is 4 years and leads to the Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires Techniques. The technical track is also 4 years and leads to the Diplôme de Technicien. The technician training track is 3 years and leads to the Certificat d'Aptitude Technique et Professionnelle (CATP) or the Certificat de Capacité Manuelle (CCM), depending on the area of training and amount of apprenticeship required. Students who finish this program can earn a Certificat d'Aptitude Technique et Professionnelle (CATP) by completing the required theoretical courses of the program. A 2-year program leads to the Certificat d'Initiation Technique et Professionnelle (CITP). Students who finish this program can continue their education in a Certificat d'Aptitude Technique et Professionnelle (CATP) (Certificate of Technical and Vocational Proficiency) program.

Post-Secondary Education

Post-secondary education is offered at lycées techniques (technical upper secondary schools) and at the Université de Luxembourg. Lycées techniques offer 2-year programs leading to the Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS). These programs require a Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires Techniques or a Diplôme de Technicien for admission.

The Université de Luxembourg was founded in 2003. It consists of the former Centre Universitaire de Luxembourg (University Center of Luxembourg), l'Institut Supérieur de Technologie (Higher Institute of Technology), ľInstitut Supérieur d'Études et de Recherches Pédagogiques (Higher Institute of Pedagogical Research and Studies), and l'Institut ďEtudes Educatives et Sociales (Institute of Education and Social Studies). Admission to the Université de Luxembourg requires a Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires (End of Secondary Studies Diploma) or a Diplôme de Fin d'Études Secondaires Techniques (End of Technical Secondary School Studies).

First and Second Cycles

First-level programs are 3 years and lead to the Bachelor. Graduate programs are 1-2 years and require a Bachelor for admission. Upon successful defense of a thesis, students are awarded a Master.

Third Cycle

Doctoral programs are at least 2 years and require a Master for admission. Upon successful defense of a dissertation, students are awarded a Doctor.

Teacher Training

Teachers are trained in 3-year programs at the Université de Luxembough leading to the Certificat d'Études Pédagogiques, option Education Préscolaire , Certificat d'Études Pédagogiques, option Enseigement Primaire, and the Diplôme ďEducator Gradué (Graduate Educator Diploma) for secondary school teachers.



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