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May 24, 2024

Abitur 2024 has begun: Why failure this year has particularly serious consequences

The Abitur has begun with the first exams. The pressure is particularly great this year for the last G8 year group, because failure would have serious consequences.

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Apr 24, 2024

The number of high school graduates and technical college graduates has fallen in Germany

The number of high school graduates and technical college graduates in Germany fell slightly last year. In 2023, a total of 381,000 students acquired their university or technical college entrance qualification, 3,700 or one percent fewer than in 2022, as the Federal Statistical Office announced.

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Apr 19, 2024

Abi 2024 in NRW: All exam dates at a glance

Thousands of students in North Rhine-Westphalia are currently taking their Abitur. But when exactly do the written and oral exams take place? An overview.

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Feb 13, 2024

After the Abitur breakdown: New system for NRW from 2025

The download glitch at the Abitur was one of the biggest upsets in North Rhine-Westphalia this year. A completely new system will soon prevent a repeat.

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Feb 7, 2024

The dates for the “Green Abitur” in 2024 have been set

If you would like to take the “Green Abitur” this year, you should note down a few dates and register as soon as possible. The examination committees for the hunter examination in the Coesfeld district begin on April 22, 2024 (Monday) at 3:00 p.m. with the hunter examination 2024 (written part).

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Sep 7, 2023

Abitur 2023: This is how good the students were in the individual federal states

A high school graduation year full of mishaps - but most students in Germany have completed their high school diploma. But which federal state did best? Some average grades are still pending.

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Jun 5, 2023

In Germany, 14 federal states are again adapting final exams

According to the media report, many countries want to make final exams easier again due to the cancellation of classes during the pandemic. Rhineland-Palatinate does not want to use the opportunity.

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May 22, 2023

ChatGPT fails because of the Bavarian Abitur in Germany

The text generator ChatGPT is subject to tests - in the literal sense. Artificial intelligence did relatively well on the entry exam for US doctors. German final exams are harder to crack.

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May 16, 2023

Saxony's Inflation of the Abitur

In Saxony alone, the Abitur in 2022 has almost quintupled compared to 2013. The ministries of education were very accommodating to the students.

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May 4, 2023

Abitur exams in NRW postponed due to technical breakdown keep

The high school exams planned for Wednesday in North Rhine-Westphalia have been postponed to Friday at short notice due to massive technical problems.

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May 3, 2023

Final exams again with Corona "bonus" in Hamburg

Pupils in Hamburg will once again receive a corona "bonus" this year: Important exams will be made a little easier - just like in the past two years. The school authorities are thus following a decision by the Conference of Ministers of Education.

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Mar 23, 2023

In Germany, students are graduating and training at the same time

High school diploma and qualification as a socio-educational assistant: the double qualification is being introduced at all vocational high schools in Lower Saxony. The Conerus school in the north already has experience.

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Aug 26, 2022

In Germany, final Abitur exams will take place

Without mandatory tests and masks this year, for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, the final exams will take place without strict hygiene measures. However, some schools in the district play it safe.

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Aug 5, 2022

Germany Simplifies Conditions For Admission To Universities For Ukrainian Refugees

It is now easier for Ukrainian refugees to enter German universities. This applies to those who studied their last year at school in Ukraine, but because of the full-scale Russian invasion, could not pass the final exams and receive a certificate, as well as those who started studying at a Ukrainian university, but did not complete the first year for the same reason.

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Jul 26, 2022

Germany DAAD launches platform for Ukrainians

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has launched an online platform aiming to help 100,000 Ukrainian students and researchers continue their studies or academic careers in Germany.

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Apr 12, 2022

Four percent fewer first-year students at Germany universities

The number of freshmen is falling. This development shows the consequences of the pandemic, but also demographic change.

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Apr 8, 2022

Germany - The number of students without a high school diploma is growing

They are still in the minority: students without university or technical college entrance qualifications. But their number has quadrupled since 2002.

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Mar 29, 2022

Many European Universities Are Helping Ukrainian Students – Here’s How

Following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, which caused about 780 fatalities for less than 30 days, about 3.1 million people were forced to flee their home country, leave their loved ones and give up jobs and studies to seek international protection in European countries.

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Sep 3, 2021

German Students Without Abitur Are Enrolling at Universities More Than Ever

More German students than ever, without an Abitur, are choosing to attend a university in the last three years. Approximately 64,000 people without an Abitur have enrolled in German universities in 2019, marking an increase of 1,750 people compared to the previous year.

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Aug 26, 2021

Dispute over tasks in the math Abitur in NRW as grades are not adjusted

School Minister Yvonne Gebauer has rejected complaints about difficult math tasks in this year's Abitur exams in North Rhine-Westphalia. The tasks were "appropriate and in line with the curriculum", "solvable" and not flawed, said the FDP politician on Wednesday in the school committee of the Düsseldorf state parliament.

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Bundesrepublik Deutschland (The Federal Republic of Germany) is located in Western Europe, and is bordered by Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria, Poland, Denmark, and the North and Baltic Seas. The population is 82,369,552, making it the most populous country in the European Union. The literacy rate is 99%. German is the official language and language of instruction.

Germanic tribes in the area of present-day Germany can be traced back to the Bronze Age and followed the Celts, who are presumed to be the original inhabitants of the area. From 962 AD to 1806, Germany was a part of the Holy Roman Empire. Otto von Bismarck unified all areas of Germany in a series of wars from 1864 until 1871, when King Wilhelm I of Prussia was declared the German Emperor and established the Second German Reich. The Second Reich collapsed after Germany's defeat in World War I and the Weimar Republic was established. In 1933, Adolf Hitler was named Chancellor and established the Third Reich. Germany's invasion of Poland in 1939 gave rise to World War II. On May 8, 1945, Germany surrendered to the Allies and the Soviet military commanders.

Following World War II, Germany was divided into 4 occupation zones. In 1948, the Western Powers created a German state out of the 3 western zones and West Berlin which became the Federal Republic of Germany on May 23, 1949. The remaining occupation zone and East Berlin became the Democratic Republic of Germany (DDR) on October 7, 1949. As a result of the collapse of the Communist Party in East Germany, Germany was reunited on October 3, 1990. It now consists of 16 states (11 West German, plus 5 new ones from the former East Germany): Baden-Wuerttemberg, Bavaria (Bayern), Berlin, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse (Hessen), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Mecklenburg-Verpommern), Lower Saxony (Neidersachsen), North Rhine-Westphalia (Nordrhein-Westfalen), Rhineland-Palatinate (Rheinland-Pfalz), Saarland, Saxony (Sachsen), Saxony-Anhalt (Sachsen-Anhalt), Schleswig-Holstein, and Thuringia (Thueringen).


The States have autonomy over, among other things, educational oversight. While the Federal government may allot federal funds for education, the actual day-to-day supervision of education, at all levels, is a function of the State government.

During the days of the DDR, the national government held strong central authority over education, unlike the situation existing then in West Germany or the unified Federal Republic of Germany today. A key player from the beginning, and particularly since unification, is the Kultusministerskonferenz. Though it has no legal authority, resolutions adopted by the Konferenz generally become law within the States once the individual Ministers bring them back to their respective State Governments for enactment through those legislative bodies.

Another important body at the higher education level is the Hochschulrektorenkonferenz (HRK). This group primarily attempts to disseminate information to the public on higher education issues in Germany. While not all institutions of higher education are members of the HRK, the vast majority are represented, leaving only a small percentage of the non-university institutions not actually included. Here would reside, for example, a database of the recognized higher education institutions in the country.

Primary Education

The basic structure of education in Germany varies slightly among the States, but a somewhat unique feature is the dual system that encompasses a parallel structure of academic and vocational education growing out of a common compulsory foundation. Primary school lasts for 4 years (6 years in two of the States).

Secondary Education

Sekundär I (Lower secondary school) runs from Grades 5-9, depending on the State. This education can take place in a Hauptschule (Main School, Grades 5-9), a Realschule (middle school, grades 5-10), a Gymnasium (grades 5-10 and continuing), or Gesamtschule (Comprehensive School grades 5-10). The leaving certificates vary depending on State and school, but the Hauptschulabschlusszeugnis is often the name appearing on the student's leaving certificate. Other credentials issued after the 10th Grade include the Realschlulabschlusszeugnis and the Mittlere Reifezeugnis.

Sekundär II (Academic upper secondary) is offered at Gymnasiums, with Grades 11-13 leading to the Zeugnis der allgemein Hochschulreife which is also known as the Abitur, the capstone examination administered at the end of dreizehnten Klasse (13th Grade).

Technical upper secondary programs are offered at a Fachoberschulen (technical high schools) with Grades 11 and 12, leading to the Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife. Vocational upper secondary programs are offered at Berufsschulen. These programs are generally three years and are a mixture of classroom instruction and industry apprenticeship. These programs lead to the Berufsschule Abschlusszeugnis as well as a regulated occupational titles such as a Bankkaufrau (Banker - Female) or Uhrmacher (Watchmaker).

Post-Secondary Education

There are approximately 378 State-run institutions of higher education, including universität (universities), universities of fachhochschule (applied science), berufsakademie (universities of cooperative education), and paedigogische hochschule (universities of education), although the education colleges now exist only in the State of Baden-Wuerttemburg. There are also post-secondary art (Kunsthochschule) and music schools (Musikhochschule).

First Cycle

Admission to a university or colleges of music and art requires the Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife. Admission to a fachhochschule requires a Zeugnis der allgemeinen Hochschulreife or a Zeugnis der Fachhochschulreife.

After the 2nd year of university study, students sit for an examination leading to the Vordiplom. Upon successful completion of a further 2 to 4 years of study, students in the sciences are awarded Diplom and students in the arts are awarded a Magister.

Second and Third Cycles

Graduate studies are a further 2 to 3 years of research and require a Magister for admission. Upon successful defense of a dissertation, students are awarded a Doktorgrad. University professors must hold a Habilitation which is awarded after further post-doctoral research and publications. A Habilitation requirement for university professorships will not be required in the near future.

Fachhochschulen (universities of applied science) offer 4 to 5-year programs, including engineering, leading to the Diplom (FH).

Bologna Process

Germany has been phasing in changes to its higher education systems in compliance with the Bologna Process. Most universities and universities of applied science are offering both systems. The Bologna Process compliant system will be fully-implemented by 2010. In the new system, the first-level program is 3-4 years and leads to the Bachelor at universities and the Bachelor (FH) at universities of applied science. Graduate programs are 1-2 years and lead to the Master at universities and the Master (FH) at universities of applied science. Doctoral programs are only offered at universities and require a Masteror Master (FH) for admission. After 2 to 3 years of research and successful defense of a dissertation, students are awarded a Doktorgrad.

Two significant changes in the last few years in German education, besides the implementation of the Bologna Process, are the decisions to charge tuition at German universities and the elimination of the 13th year of study at the secondary school level is being phased in. As education is a State prerogative, not all States have decided to charge tuition. What the future holds in this regard will be interesting to outside observers. The elimination of Grade 13 will have a significant effect on U.S. admissions officers and credentials analysts as each practitioner must now re-assess transfer credit and graduate admission/degree comparability policies.

The following is a list of the Lander (States) and the academic year they changed from 13 to 12 years.  The number in parentheses is the year when the first double-cohort (i.e. students in both the 12- and 13-year systems) will graduate:

  • Baden-Württemberg: 2004/2005 (2012)
  • Bayern: 2004/2005 (2011)
  • Berlin: 2006/2007 (2012)
  • Brandenburg: 2006/2007 (2012)
  • Bremen: 2004-05 (2012)
  • Hamburg: 2002/2003 (2010)
  • Hessen: 2004/2005: about 10% of schools (2012); 2005/2006 (2013): about 60% of schools; 2007-08: about 30% of schools (2014)
  • Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 2004/2005 (2008)
  • Niedersachsen: 2004/2005 (2011)
  • Nordrhein-Westfalen: 2006/2007 (2013)
  • Rheinland-Pfalz: 2008-09
  • Saarland: 2001/2002 (2009)
  • Sachsen: 1992
  • Sachsen-Anhalt: 2003/2004 (2007)
  • Schleswig-Holstein: 2008/2009 (2016)
  • Thüringen: 1991



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