The issue of declining undergraduate enrollments has received considerable national attention over the past decade.
The pandemic has exacerbated these concerns as year-on-year enrollments in several states have been severely
affected by the pandemic. While this period has been unique, these trends have been a feature of political science
enrollments and degrees conferred for decades. The issue facing political science departments (and all academic
departments) is whether there are measures that can be taken to ameliorate these national and disciplinary trends.
This article catalogs various measures that a department could enact to impact enrollments and major count actively
and positively. The list presented is neither exhaustive nor mutually exclusive; rather, these measures can be used
singularly or in tandem. The proposed measures are far-reaching, and some measures would take considerable effort on
the part of a faculty and a department to implement; however, this effort should not stop departments from starting
significant and meaningful conversations on enrollment.