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Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?

Apr 17, 2020, 16:08 PM
Title : Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?
  • AACRAO as a body does not approve any institutions. An institution must be recognized by the relevant body or authority in its own country to be considered recognized/approved.
  • The AACRAO Exchange is an excellent place to ask your colleagues about their experiences with the school and country, in general. Whenever you have useful information or suggestions, please share with your colleagues! Your experience is valuable and helpful to others.
  • AACRAO EDGE subscribers can navigate to the appropriate country and look in the Resources section for information on recognition bodies and lists of institutions maintained in-country. Also, some static lists have been posted in Institutions in Resources. It is always a best practice to use the most recent information available when evaluating the status of an institution, rather than a static list.
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User Roster Management (EDGE Manager, etc)

Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?

Apr 17, 2020, 16:08 PM
Title : Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?
  • AACRAO as a body does not approve any institutions. An institution must be recognized by the relevant body or authority in its own country to be considered recognized/approved.
  • The AACRAO Exchange is an excellent place to ask your colleagues about their experiences with the school and country, in general. Whenever you have useful information or suggestions, please share with your colleagues! Your experience is valuable and helpful to others.
  • AACRAO EDGE subscribers can navigate to the appropriate country and look in the Resources section for information on recognition bodies and lists of institutions maintained in-country. Also, some static lists have been posted in Institutions in Resources. It is always a best practice to use the most recent information available when evaluating the status of an institution, rather than a static list.
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Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?

Apr 17, 2020, 16:08 PM
Title : Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?
  • AACRAO as a body does not approve any institutions. An institution must be recognized by the relevant body or authority in its own country to be considered recognized/approved.
  • The AACRAO Exchange is an excellent place to ask your colleagues about their experiences with the school and country, in general. Whenever you have useful information or suggestions, please share with your colleagues! Your experience is valuable and helpful to others.
  • AACRAO EDGE subscribers can navigate to the appropriate country and look in the Resources section for information on recognition bodies and lists of institutions maintained in-country. Also, some static lists have been posted in Institutions in Resources. It is always a best practice to use the most recent information available when evaluating the status of an institution, rather than a static list.
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Credential Evaluation

Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?

Apr 17, 2020, 16:08 PM
Title : Is this school accredited/approved/recognized?
  • AACRAO as a body does not approve any institutions. An institution must be recognized by the relevant body or authority in its own country to be considered recognized/approved.
  • The AACRAO Exchange is an excellent place to ask your colleagues about their experiences with the school and country, in general. Whenever you have useful information or suggestions, please share with your colleagues! Your experience is valuable and helpful to others.
  • AACRAO EDGE subscribers can navigate to the appropriate country and look in the Resources section for information on recognition bodies and lists of institutions maintained in-country. Also, some static lists have been posted in Institutions in Resources. It is always a best practice to use the most recent information available when evaluating the status of an institution, rather than a static list.
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  • Global
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