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This is how Spain's 2021 selectivity exams will be

Mar 5, 2021, 17:28 PM
Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities has been published the deadlines, the calendar and the calculation are established of marks of the entrance exams to the university and the admission tests.
Title : This is how Spain's 2021 selectivity exams will be
Source : SUR
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The selectivity, or Baccalaureate evaluation tests for access to the university and the admission tests that will be held in the 2020/21 academic year, completes administrative steps. This Monday a resolution of the Ministry of Economic Transformation, Industry, Knowledge and Universities has been published in the BOJA by which the agreement of the Interuniversity Coordinating Commission of Andalusia is made public in which the deadlines, the calendar and the calculation are established of marks of the entrance exams to the university and the admission tests. Access should be understood as obtaining the requirements that allow entry to the university, while admission should be understood as obtaining a place in the desired career and center.

The ordinary call for the tests will be held on June 15, 16 and 17, 2021 and the extraordinary call on July 13, 14 and 15, 2021. The previous enrollment data of the students of the second year of Baccalaureate or Higher Technician in Professional Training, of Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design and of Superior Sports Technician likely to take the test will have to be provided to the respective universities no later than 26 March 2021. In this same sense, the certified relationships with the final grades of the students corresponding to the second year of Baccalaureate or Higher Technician in Professional Training, Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design and Superior Sports Technician that they have requested To appear for the tests will be, in the ordinary call, until June 7, 2021 (included), and for the extraordinary call, until July 5, 2021 (included).

Between the entrance and admission phases, a total of 21 subjects are offered to students. The subjects necessary to obtain the access requirements, or for those who, having said requirements, want to improve the access qualification, will be the following four subjects: Spanish Language and Literature II; Foreign League (to choose between German, French, English, Italian or Portuguese); History of Spain and a modality subject, to choose between Foundations of Art II, Latin II, Mathematics II, or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II.

The qualification of this test for access to the university will be the arithmetic mean of the numerical qualifications obtained from each of the four exams, expressed on a scale from 0 to 10 with three decimal places and rounded to the thousandth. This qualification must be equal to or greater than 4 points. The qualification for access to the university will be calculated by weighing 40 percent the qualification of the test and 60 percent the average grade of the studies that allows you to take this part of the tests. It will be understood that the access requirements are met when the result of this weighting is equal to or greater than 5 points.
Students may also optionally examine up to a maximum of four subjects,aimed at those who previously meet the university entrance requirements and want to improve their admission grade. An optional examination of up to a maximum of four subjects may be offered, aimed at those who previously meet the university entrance requirements and want to improve their admission grade. These are the subjects of Performing Arts, Biology, Audiovisual Culture II, Technical Drawing II, Design, Business Economics, Physics, Foundations of Art II, Geography, Geology, Greek II, History of Philosophy, History of Art, Latin II, Foreign Law (to choose between German, French, English, Italian or Portuguese, but different from the one chosen in the access phase), Mathematics II, Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II and Chemistry.

All these subjects have a weighting parameter of between 0 and 0.2 points according to their affinity with the university degrees offered by the public universities of Andalusia, so that to calculate the admission grade to a certain degree, the qualifications of a maximum of two subjects with a grade equal to or greater than 5 points that multiplied by the respective parameters give the best of the admission grades. In the case of the subjects Fundamentals of Art II, Latin II, Mathematics II or Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences II, with a grade greater than or equal to 5 passed as a necessary subject to obtain the access requirements, it will also be taken into account ex officio, with its respective parameter to improve the admission grade.

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