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Niger Baccalaureate Exams postponed

Sep 13, 2021, 20:45 PM
The Minister of Higher Education and Research announced the exams of the baccalaureate session 2021 are postponed for technical and financial reasons.
Title : Niger Baccalaureate Exams postponed
Source : ActuNiger
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The original article requires translation.

Initially scheduled to start on July 27, 2021, the exams of the baccalaureate session 2021 are postponed for August 04, 2021. The announcement was made this Friday at a press conference by the Minister of Higher Education and Research Pr Mamoudou DJIBO , PhD. According to the minister, the reasons for the postponement are, among other things, of a technical and financial nature.

As for the last session of the BEPC, it is a few days before the start of the exams that the government, through the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, decides to postpone the baccalaureate exams.

In the press briefing he hosted this Friday in his cabinet in the presence of executives from the ministry as well as those from the National Baccalaureate Office, the minister indicated that  "it is for the sake of organizing a clean Bac and accepted by all, a Bac so credible that the government has decided on this postponement ”. The minister put forward as the reason for the postponement,   "technical and financial reasons"  with, for example, a delay in the training of the presidents of the jury.

"The decision was taken in concert with the various unions in the sector," said Minister Mamoudou Djibo, who also added that "the unions in the sector welcomed this decision to postpone the Baccalaureate exams".

Arrangements for a clean bin

A few days ago, the Minister of Higher Education went to the premises of the Bac Office to inquire about the conditions for organizing exams for the 2021 session. According to the CEO of the OBN, Dr Mounkeila Laouali Abdo Serki, preparations are well underway and all arrangements are being made so that the session takes place on good occasions.

The Minister took the opportunity to rank the fraudsters and other cheaters. He added that sanctions will be taken for any dishonest and his accomplices involved in exam fraud. Professor Mamoudou Djibo even let it be known that a network has already been detected and the services of the Judicial Police (PJ) are hard at work to dismantle all its members, including some of foreign nationality who offered certain establishments and parents 'pupils the bac or the flight of the tests against a large sum of money.

It must be said that in recent years, school exams including those of the BEPC and especially the Bac have been marred by several flagrant irregularities with the amplification of leaks of the tests or various cheats of examinations yet reprimanded by the law. The authorities announced that they had taken several measures to end this scourge and restore the credibility of Nigerien diplomas.


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