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Mölltorp, Sweden had first digital national tests

Jul 25, 2022, 13:57 PM
While waiting for the National Agency for Education to come out with its own digital platform - it is delayed until, at the moment, in 2024 - the municipality of Karlsborg has taken the opportunity to start training on what will then be mandatory; for example, to conduct digital national tests.
Title : Mölltorp, Sweden had first digital national tests
Source : SLA
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The original article requires translation. 

While waiting for the National Agency for Education to come out with its own digital platform - it is delayed until, at the moment, in 2024 - the municipality of Karlsborg has taken the opportunity to start training on what will then be mandatory; for example, to conduct digital national tests.

- It was the teachers at Carl Johanskolan who were interested in starting work via a digital platform and therefore we have signed a three-year agreement with DigiExam for the entire administration. When the National Agency for Education's platform comes along, everything will work to have digital tests and it's not “just” - it's about infrastructure; can wifi handle it, we have the opportunity in the classroom for charging, we have experienced staff, the students feel safe to do the test that way. It is about being ready, explains the municipality's ICT strategist and development leader Linda Schultz Forsberg.

Henrik Kråklind, the six's class teacher, has worked with similar platforms during his time as a teacher in Hjo municipality, and he praises the digital way of working.

- The biggest benefit for us teachers is the correction, and that all work is saved and done. Previously, students could use their computers, but then files were created that would be sent to the teacher and such can easily be lost. Then DigiExam has many good features in general and I will continue to use it for more tests in the future, he says.

Equal and clear

The benefits are several for the students as well, not least that the computer or tablet is a safe tool that makes much the same; for example, no one needs to submit something with a worse handwriting than someone else.

- Since everyone has their own computer and are used to working with it, it is good when they write essays on a computer - handwriting varies and motor skills take a lot of energy for some. They are also easy for students to focus on the screen and you can connect to different tools, such as in Swedish where you can have the academy's dictionary. It will be equal and clear, both for me as a teacher and for the students.

As a teacher, there are a number of benefits and features. You can ensure that students have, or do not have, access to the internet. You can randomize questions so that a student does not get the same issues on his screen as the classmate has. There is simply a lot you as a teacher can control.

- But now we are the last class out who have a PC, then come students who have tablets, which requires that you as a teacher get acquainted with that type of technology instead; it works and does not look the same as on a PC. It is important that politicians think about it when they add money, that the staff also get the same tools as the students. Otherwise, it will be as if the students have the latest version of a textbook while the teacher uses an older one where it is not the same text and facts and the page numbers do not match, states Henrik, who has a rather unusual necklace around his neck.

- I continue to talk like this just low and comfortable while you go down to the far end of the classroom. Then you do not hear what I say, and the fan that is running there does not help either, he says.

An extra project

But after a push of a button on the little black square he is wearing, it is suddenly clear what he is saying - even though he did not raise his voice.

- This is one of the best aids I have had - a sound equalization system that is connected to the existing sound system and allows you to talk in a low voice, but the students furthest away still hear. I do not have to use my usual teacher voice as I have to take in more and speak loudly. It will be much calmer, a more efficient classroom and the students will not even notice that it is on. In addition, there is a microphone that students can use. Then the person who is going to read aloud also does not have to speak very loudly for everyone to hear.

The system is an "extra project" the municipality wanted to test after taking part in other municipalities' positive experiences.

- Our municipality has invested SEK 1.3 million every year going forward in the technical development, earmarked for technology for the entire administration, which includes the technical work tools that are closest to students and teachers. We started last year by expanding the digital development throughout the school and among other things then everyone has got 1-1, that is, all students have their own tablet, from preschool and up. We are constantly looking at how we can develop, get a little better, says Linda Schultz Forsberg.

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