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More than 235 thousand people took Chile's Transition Test

Jan 24, 2022, 11:16 AM
Undersecretary of Higher Education addressed the results of the surrender of the PDT, which was again applied in the context of the pandemic and why the test was carried out in two groups and under sanitary protocols.
Title : More than 235 thousand people took Chile's Transition Test
Source : Archyde
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The original article requires translation.

On Monday 6, Tuesday 7, Thursday 9 and Friday 10 December, applicants to higher education in the country took the Transition Test (PDT), but it was not until 8:00 am on Tuesday that the Department of Evaluation, Measurement and Educational Registration (Demre) published the official results of the tests.

Therefore, the Undersecretary of Higher Education, Juan Eduardo Vargas, together with the director of Demre, Leonor Varas, addressed the results of the surrender of the PDT, which was again applied in the context of the pandemic, which is why the test was carried out in two groups and under sanitary protocols.

As detailed by the educational authority, 275,631 people registered -82% for the first time- of which more than 235 thousand attended during the sessions To take the test -130,195 women and 105,975 men-, which shows that the percentage of attendance was maintained with respect to the previous process (86%).

Regarding the branch, 180.895 people are from scientific-humanistic establishments, 54,957 from professional technicians and 318 no data. In addition, 27,122 correspond to paid private campuses, 128,856 to subsidized individuals, 69,158 to municipal, 8,682 to local education services and 2,352 to others.

Along these lines, Vargas pointed out that “The PSU showed a huge difference between young people who graduated from scientific schools and those who graduated from technical professional schools. This is fundamentally explained because the amount of content considered by the PSU made it, in practical terms, impossible for a student of a professional technical high school to be able to see all that amount of content “, referring to the average score difference between both branches of establishments.

“The changes we made -in the test- could account for a reduction in those gaps (of scores). This year this decrease in the gaps is maintained, that is, it is already becoming a trend “, he raised, adding that “In all the tests there is a decrease in the gaps between graduates of humanistic scientific colleges and graduates of professional technicians. This is, without a doubt, very good news that goes along the lines of making this admission system a better, fairer system that does not impede access to higher education ”.

Meanwhile, the director of Demre referred to the application of the evaluation in two groups. On that point, he assured that “all the statistical tests that were carried out show that they were absolutely equivalent, neither of the two groups had any advantage in the performance of tests ”. He also indicated that “all the questions in all the tests performed optimally, as planned.

On the other hand, President Sebastián Piñera received this morning the national scores at La Moneda for the traditional breakfast. As indicated by the undersecretary, these They were estimated at 180, which means a decrease of 22% compared to the 2021 admission, where 230 national scores were registered.

Specific, 5 correspond to the Reading Comprehension test, 144 to Mathematics, 4 to the History and Social Sciences test, and 27 to Science.

Regarding the distribution of these throughout the country, 112 are concentrated in the Metropolitan Region, 14 in the Biobío Region, 10 in Valparaíso, 8 in the O’Higgins Region, 7 in La Araucanía, 7 in El Maule, 6 in Antofagasta, 5 in Coquimbo, 4 in Los Lagos, 2 in Tarapacá, 2, in Los Ríos, 2 in Magallanes, 1 in Ñuble.

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