Entrance exams for secondary schools and multi-year grammar schools await students in April, applications can be submitted as early as February. However, mock entrance exams will be available to applicants before that.
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Entrance exams for secondary schools and multi-year grammar schools await students in April, applications can be submitted as early as February. However, mock entrance exams will be available to applicants before that. Central School Inspector Tomáš Zatloukal also drew attention to the Education in Data and InspIS SETmobile applications, where applicants can find out information about entrance exams and also try them out.
This year, ninth-grade elementary school students will also be able to apply to three secondary schools, or fields of study, and to two other fields with a talent exam. Applications will be submitted electronically via the DiPSy portal from February 1 to 20 , in paper form or hybrid - using a printed and hand-signed form. The date of application submission does not affect the student's placement.
A special algorithm will then rank the children based on their results and the set preferred order of schools. The children will take a unified entrance exam in Czech language and literature and mathematics. The basic rules for applying are therefore unchanged from last year.
"This year, we focused primarily on improving support for applicants; major changes in the conduct of entrance exams will only take place from next year based on an amendment to the Education Act or later after the revision of the framework educational program," said Education Minister Mikuláš Bek (STAN) at the beginning of Tuesday's press conference.
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