The oral, as indicated in the ordinance, will be structured as follows: it will open with the analysis of a material chosen by the commission (a text, a document, a problem, a project) that will be submitted to the candidate.
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After the first and second written tests - which will be held on 22 and 23 June respectively - the 2022 high school graduate exam will begin . The oral, as indicated in the ordinance, will be structured as follows: it will open with the analysis of a material chosen by the commission (a text, a document, a problem, a project) that will be submitted to the candidate. During the interview , the candidate must demonstrate that he has acquired the contents and methods of the individual disciplines and that he has acquired the skills of Civic Education; it will then analyze, with a short report or a multimedia work, the experiences made in the context of the Pathways for transversal skills and orientation.
The 2022 maturity commission , composed of six internal commissioners and an external president, will be present at the talks . How many subjects are present in the oral exam, then? But above all, in how many subjects can you be questioned during the oral exam? It depends: even if the commissioners are six plus the president, you will not be questioned in only 6 disciplines since the professors will be able to question you in all the subjects they teach or in those for which they have a teaching qualification. This means that a history teacher, for example, could also question you in philosophy if it is foreseen by your address. We advise you to ask your teachers what to expect from the oral when they tell you the names of the teachers who aJune will judge your graduation exam .
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