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In Portugal, five exams improved averages compared to the first phase

Nov 10, 2022, 12:00 PM
As a general rule, the results go down in the second phase of exams, but this year, five tests, including Portuguese (12th grade), recorded increases compared to the first season. Mathematics A and Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences had averages below 10 values.
Title : In Portugal, five exams improved averages compared to the first phase
Source : JN
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The original article requires translation.

The guidelines of the Secondary exams made in the second phase were posted this Friday. It is recalled that students who took the tests at this time because they were infected with covid-19 or in isolation can still apply for the first phase of the national contest for access to Higher Education, which ends on the 8th.

As a rule, the results of the second phase are worse than those of the first, because the tests are carried out by many students who have failed and want to improve their grades. However, this year, five tests contradict this trend. Portuguese, which in the first phase had been one of the subjects that had dropped from an average of 12, in 2021, to 10.9 values, now rises again to 12.2 values. Descriptive Geometry, which in the first phase had registered the biggest drop from 12.4 (in 2021) to 10.4 values, now rises to 11.6 values. Mathematics B, was the only negative average in the first phase, and now it rises to 10.4 values. Economy A and English also have better averages, going from 11.8 and 14.8 values ​​to 12 and 15 values, respectively.

In general terms, the results improve - compared to 2021, this year the average of 18 subjects has gone up and that of five has gone down. Physics and Chemistry, for example, which last year, at this stage, had an average of 8.8 values, went to 10.4. And Biology and Geology goes from 9.9 to 10.3 values.

Only three tests recorded averages below 10: Mathematics A (9.8), Mathematics Applied to Social Sciences (9.4) and Portuguese Non-Mother Language (9.8), whose exam was only taken by one student.


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