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Enem 2024 Panel brings key data about the exam

Nov 26, 2024, 03:00 AM
Interactive platform allows access to information according to the research objective. Filters such as number of subscribers, race and gender can be applied.
Title : Enem 2024 Panel brings key data about the exam
Source : Government of Brazil
External URL :

The original article requires translation.

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (INEP) will administer the National High School Exam (ENEM) 2024 on November 3 and 10. For this edition, INEP has expanded the transparency and the list of data about the exam, with the main information available on the ENEM Dashboard. The interactive platform allows access to preliminary data in a comprehensive way, according to the interest of those who use it.

The panel provides information at country, regional, state and municipal level, according to the desired segments.

Check out some of the available data:

  • Number of registrations;
  • Number of confirmed registrations;
  • Graduates from the public school system (main target audience for the exam);
  • Participants’ situation in relation to secondary education;
  • Number of people exempt from the registration fee and those paying;
  • Number of women or men registered;
  • Color/race;
  • Age range.
Filters – The tool also allows you to apply and overlay filters. This way, you can refine your research and check, for example, the percentage of women who have completed high school in a given Brazilian state. The possibilities for cross-referencing information vary depending on the purpose of the person using the panel.

The information serves as a basis for society; civil society organizations; educational managers; researchers and the press, in order to promote transparency regarding the exam.

More than 4.3 million people registered for this edition.
Enem – The National High School Exam assesses students’ academic performance at the end of basic education. Over its more than two decades of existence, Enem has become the main gateway to higher education in Brazil, through the Unified Selection System (Sisu) and initiatives such as the University for All Program (Prouni).

Public and private educational institutions use the Enem to select students. The results are used as the sole or complementary criterion for selection processes, in addition to serving as a parameter for access to government aid, such as that provided by the Student Financing Fund (Fies).

Individual Enem results can also be used in the selection processes of Portuguese institutions that have an agreement with Inep to accept exam scores. The agreements guarantee easy access to the scores of Brazilian students interested in pursuing higher education in Portugal.


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