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Enem 2020: what you need to know about the test

Feb 5, 2021, 09:51 AM
After months of government preparation, the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Enem) is here for the students of Brazil. The printed version of the Enem will be on January 17 and 24, 2021, while the new digital exam will be on January 31 and February 7.
Title : Enem 2020: what you need to know about the test
Source : Brasil Escola Enem
External URL :

The National High School Exam (Enem) 2020 is only a month away ! The printed tests will be applied on January 17 and 24, 2021 , while the digital version will be carried out on January 31 and February 7 . Approximately 5.7 million participants are expected for the tests.

Students await the release of the card with the Enem 2020 test locations, information that should be released in the coming days. In a pandemic scenario and the need to avoid agglomerations, there was an increase in the number of places of application and implementation of preventive measures against Covid-19. 

The 11.4 million tests have already started to be sent to the Brazilian states and the Federal District . The exam will be carried out in 205 thousand rooms in 14 thousand application points across the country. 

How will the evidence be?

The Enem 2020 tests continue with the same format adopted since its reformulation, in 2009. There are 45 objective questions from each area of ​​knowledge, totaling 180 questions, in addition to an essay. 

  • 1st day of Enem: 45 questions of Languages ​​and Codes + Writing + 45 questions of Human Sciences
  • 2nd day of Enem: 45 questions from Natural Sciences + 45 questions from Mathematics

The gates of the test venues will be closed at 1 pm, with the exam starting at 1:30 pm (Brasília time). The interval between the entrance of the participants and the beginning of the tests is for hygiene measures and safety procedures. 

Participants must bring their identity document and black ink pen for the tests It is also recommended to take the registration card to help identify the test room.

Measures against Covid-19

All persons in the test rooms will have to wear masks that cover their nose and mouth , including the companions of mothers who are breastfeeding. 

There will be hand hygiene with alcohol gel in some moments, such as when entering and leaving bathrooms. Participants will also have to respect the minimum distance required to reduce the chances of contagion.

According to Inep, people from the risk group will take the tests in special rooms, places with a maximum capacity of 12 participants. They belong to the group: pregnant women, nursing mothers, the elderly and people with pre-existing medical conditions, such as heart disease, chronic lung diseases, diabetes, morbid obesity, hypertension, immunosuppressive and oncological diseases. 

People with Covid-19 or other infectious diseases in the days of Enem 2020 may request to reapply the exam . They are in the group of diseases: whooping cough, meningococcal disease, smallpox, human influenza A and B, wild poliovirus polio, measles, rubella and chickenpox.

This article requires translation. 

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