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Enem 2020: students crowd and complain about lack of organization on the first day of tests

Mar 16, 2021, 15:12 PM
Confusion of addresses in the exam application left students lost and many ended up missing the exam.
Title : Enem 2020: students crowd and complain about lack of organization on the first day of tests
Source : Correio Braziliense
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The original article requires translation.

The first test of the National High School Examination (Enem) 2020 started this Sunday (1/17) for the more than 113 thousand registered in the Federal District, according to Inep . The gates were opened at 11:30 am in the 257 spaces provided by the government throughout DF.
At the UDF, queues, small agglomerations and complaints were registered regarding the address provided by the Enem application, which did not include the correct entry of the students - since the university has two entries: main campus (704/904) and campus Reitor Rezende (903 ).
The student Palloma Vasconcelos, 19, resident of Cruzeiro, lost the Enem test due to the confusion of addresses. She arrived at the scene at 11:40 am, took queues and even entered the campus office, but her name was not on the list of candidates ( see the video below ).
“It was very tumultuous. It took me half an hour to find the room and I got in. There was queuing and crowding as well. When the instructor told me it was in another building, it was only 8 minutes before the gates closed, ”he says. She said she was disappointed with the lack of specification of addresses. "It was a very big disorganization and lack of information, they could have explained it better, precisely because of the proximity of the blocks", he says.
Bruna Balduino, 18, from Cruzeiro, also failed to take the exam (see video below). "We went the wrong way, because we didn't know. We walked for about 10 minutes, we came running, but there was no time, they had just closed the gate," he says.
Crying and misinformation
Excited, student Teane Limeira, 22, says she lost Enem because of the lack of information. She claims to have waited for a bus at Granja do Torto for more than 1 hour and even entered the wrong campus (see the video below). Teane is already studying nursing at a private university and would take the test to try a scholarship.
“Now, I don't even know what to do anymore. I think it is very unfair to people who were already inside the room, with the bag they delivered, and said they could not take the test anymore. This is a huge lack of respect for those who are waiting to do Enem ”, the student revolts.
Public servant Caroline Alvarenga, 34, is 9 months pregnant and had to walk 10 minutes amid the crowd of students and people rushing to the buildings. “I'm finding it confusing. The information was complete on the website. I used the app this year and found it much worse, ”he says.
In this edition, the preparation for the exam had to undergo changes, due to the covid-19 pandemic. Sanitary measures needed to be reinforced and the gates were opened at 11:30 am to avoid crowding. The doors closed at 1 pm and the tests started at 1:30 pm. Students can leave the room after 3:30 pm, without the exam book. To take the document, they must leave from 18:30. This Sunday, the exam application ends at 19h.
As a security measure, it was forbidden for any participant to enter the testing room after the gates closed and without the protective mask. During identification it was also necessary to wash your hands with alcohol in a gel or supplied by the applicator, before entering the testing room.
The Enem application was originally scheduled for November 2020, but was postponed until January this year - even after a poll with participants indicating the month of May 2021. According to the government, the test in May would delay the schedule of other training programs. entry into higher education.


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