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Distance learning announced for some UAE students till further notice

Apr 27, 2021, 19:50 PM
The Ministry of Education held an urgent meeting to ensure that schools and students are informed about the postponement of face-to-face classes.
Title : Distance learning announced for some UAE students till further notice
Source : Khaleej Times
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UAE public school students in Grades 9 to 12 — referred to as Cycle 3 pupils — will continue with distance learning until further notice, education authorities have said.
The students were set to return to campuses on January 17, but the Ministry of Education (MoE) has decided to postpone the resumption of in-class lessons.
An MoE advisory sent to schools and parents said all Cycle 3 students shall continue with the remote learning system.
The ministry’s teams had held an urgent meeting to notify school administrations about this matter, stressing the need to inform students who had chosen in-class learning not to come to campuses on Sunday.
The decision was made to prevent the spread of Covid-19, amid the recent spike in new cases since the beginning of January.
Through e-mails and text messages, school administrations had also informed parents about the postponement of face-to-face classes.

The MoE had earlier announced that 50 per cent of students of some grades may return to school from next week. Schools were instructed to implement a set of Covid-19 safety measures to facilitate this.

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