Virtual education inspires Cambodian students and teachers during COVID-19
December 10, 2020
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Around the world, the current COVID-19 pandemic is threatening to undo improvements to address the general wellbeing, poverty, education, equity, and life of citizens. Yet, internationally, and in Cambodia, virtual education has been a saviour in facilitating
the continuation of learning as well as inspiring students and teachers.
Globally, the gravity and devastation of the COVID-19 crisis has cut across all sectors and the negative impact of COVID-19 on children is catastrophic, with educational opportunities being stalled or nonexistent. Worldwide, 1.5 billion students were
reportedly out of school, accentuated by job losses and economic instability.
In Cambodia alone, over three million primary and secondary school children have been affected by school closures. Schools provide children with more than an education – they provide nutritious meals, safe-spaces and psychological and developmental
Education has the power to bridge divides and bring about a slew of benefits to a country, city, community, and family, so there is no time like the present to plan for a future that utilises virtual training and learning via technology.
Although Cambodians have seen considerable improvements to the economy and education over the past few decades, a large percentage of the population continues to live below the poverty line. As in many developing countries suffering the aftermath of war,
unschooled and underprivileged children beg for an income of less than one dollar a day, which they bring home to their families.
Under these circumstances, it is hard for parents or guardians to allow their children to go to school since it may cause the family to starve. Despite this, the children are usually eager for an education. This is where The Global Child and a host of
other nonprofits come in.
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