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The 'batxibac' or 'bachibac', a bachelor's degree that is on the rise: it gives a double degree that allows you to study in more universities

May 28, 2024

Original Article:

The original article requires translation.

We are at a key moment for students throughout Spain and it is time to pre-register for high schools to study for the next school year . For this reason, people who are studying ESO at the moment or who want to do a Baccalaureate different from the one they have already done are looking for alternatives and options and there is a very interesting one that is gaining followers: the 'batxibac'.

According to information coming from the media in Catalonia, the 'batxibac' is a training modality that is triumphing in the Autonomous Community because it offers a double degree as a result since it mixes the educational systems of Spain and France and, therefore , gives students the opportunity to access universities in both states.

It should be said, as we will see later, that although it is a trend in Catalonia, this 'bachibac' (named after the government of Spain) can be found in more places in the State. 

This means that a third of the studies are in French and that you have to pass the subject of French Language and Literature and also French History . To start in this 'batxibac' you need to have a basic level of B1 in the French language.

A modality that gains attention
According to El Periódico , the 'batxibac' began to be offered in 2010 and that year only 32 people signed up.

Now there are 13 centers in the city of Barcelona that offer this study (plus all the centers in the rest of the municipalities in the region) and at the moment there are an estimated 1,700 people registered for the course that starts in 2024.

'Bachibac' in Spain
Although the information that has come out these days is from Catalonia , since this type of study is gaining popularity there, 'Bachibac' was born due to an agreement between the Government of Spain and the Government of the French Republic regarding the double degree of Bachelor and of Baccalauréat, held "ad referendum" in Paris on January 10, 2008.

It allows students, by virtue of the double degree, to access higher education and training "and professional activity in both countries under advantageous conditions", as explained by the Ministry of Education, Vocational Training and Sports.

This, they describe, is a double degree program that offers students the possibility of simultaneously achieving the Spanish Bachelor's Degree and the French Diplôme du Baccalauréat at the end of their post-compulsory secondary studies. This excellence program can be taken in schools in both countries where the mixed curriculum is offered.

In Spain, it can be taken from any type of Baccalaureate (Sciences, Humanities and Social Sciences and Arts) in the 117 educational centers spread across 13 CCAA, in addition to the Luis Buñuel Spanish Lyceum in Paris.


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