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Only 13 out of 100 students who started first grade in 2011 finished high school last year in the expected theoretical time and with satisfactory knowledge of Language and Mathematics. The figure,
based on post-pandemic data, represents a setback compared to the results of previous cohorts of students, such as those of 2005-2016 and 2009-2020.
The data comes from the report "School Results Index: How many students reach the end of
secondary school on time and in proper form?", from the Observatory of Argentines for Education,
authored by Irene Kit (Education for All Civil Association), Martín Nistal and Leyre Sáenz
Guillén (Observatory of Argentines for Education), based on data from the Annual Survey and the Aprender 2022 tests.
The report follows up on the School Results Index, which in a previous study for the 2009-2020
cohort had indicated that only 16 out of every 100 students reached the end of secondary school on
time and in good shape. This index shows, for every 100 students who entered first grade in a cohort,
how many reach the last year of secondary school in the expected theoretical time (without repeating
or dropping out) and having achieved learning in Language and Mathematics according to the
Aprender tests.
The two jurisdictions with the best rates in 2022 are CABA (29%) and Río Negro (18%). At the
opposite extreme there are several jurisdictions where less than 10% of students reach the last year
of secondary school with the expected age and knowledge; as is the case of Corrientes, Formosa and Santiago del Estero, where the rate drops to 5%.
At the national level, of every 100 students who started their schooling in 2011, 61 reached the last
year of high school in the expected time (12 years later). This number is higher than previous
cohorts: contrasts with 46% in the 2005-2016 cohort and 53% in the 2009-2020 cohort, showing
a gradual increase in the percentage of students reaching their final year on time.
In 20 of the 24 jurisdictions, the proportion of students who reach the last year of secondary
school in the expected time has been increasing. When comparing the 2011 cohort with that of
2009, all jurisdictions register an increase in the proportion of students who complete their
secondary studies in the theoretical time, with the exception of Córdoba and Corrientes