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More than 77,000 El Salvador high school students will take the Avanzo test

November 17, 2021

Original Article:

The original article requires translation.

At least 77,207 high school students, both from the public and private systems, will undergo the Avanzo test between November 15 and 26 of this year.

This test replaced the PAES carried out by previous administrations, since last year. This was announced on Wednesday morning by authorities of the Ministry of Education, including its owner, Carla Hananía de Varela.

The evaluation, like the previous year, will be virtual and will be enabled from 6 am to 12 midnight. Students will have 90 minutes to complete the questions for each subject, and will not be allowed to advance to the next stage until the previous one is finished.

Its application has been organized into two areas, according to the department where the study center is located.

Zone 1 is made up of students from San Salvador, Chalatenango, Cuscatlán, San Vicente, La Paz and Cabañas: while Zone 2 is made up of students from Ahuachapán, Santa Ana, Sonsonate, La Libertad, San Miguel, Usulután, Morazán and La Unión.

Students in Zone I will have access to the test platform on November 15, 18 and 25, and those in Zone 2 will be able to enter the platform on November 16, 19 and 26.

Students in Zone 1, on November 15, will have to solve a socio-emotional questionnaire and the diagnostic test of English: on the 18th they will have to solve the vocational orientation test, and on November 25 their cognitive abilities will be evaluated in Mathematics, Social Studies, Natural Sciences and Language and Literature.

Students in zone 2, on November 16 must solve a socio-emotional questionnaire and the English diagnostic test, on November 19 they will have to solve the vocational orientation test and on November 26 they will evaluate their cognitive abilities in Mathematics, Social Studies, Natural Sciences and Language and literature.

Throughout the evaluation, the platform will validate the identity of the students through photographs of the student's face. The intention is to ensure that whoever initiated the session is the one who solves the test.

The results may be obtained from December 9 at the address of the Ministry of Education.

In 2020, the general results of the Avanzo test were: 22% of the evaluated students managed to solve the basic level; 68% intermediate and the rest advanced.

The test grade represents 15 percent of the final score to achieve the bachelor's degree.


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