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After the Abitur, the Ministry of Education will also adjust the exams for the intermediate level and the secondary school leaving certificate in Saarland for the current school year. The corona pandemic should not result in any disadvantages for schoolchildren when it comes to qualifications and transitional entitlements.
According to the Ministry, the adapted regulations apply to pupils in grades 9 and 10 of the community schools, the special needs and community schools in evening form who are aiming for a secondary or intermediate level qualification or the transition to the 10th grade or the upper level of the gymnasium.
In addition, they also apply to students at vocational schools in the examination and final classes of the corresponding educational programs as well as prospective high school graduates from high schools and community schools. This also includes the Schengen Lyceum, privately owned schools and evening grammar schools.
Instead of the central written final exams in German, mathematics and the first foreign language for the secondary school leaving certificate and for the secondary school leaving certificate in German and mathematics, theses are carried out in the respective schools according to a schedule centrally specified by the ministry:
May 14th, 2021: German (intermediate level, secondary school leaving certificate)
May 17, 2021: Mathematics (intermediate level, secondary school leaving certificate)
May 18, 2021: French (intermediate level)
May 19, 2021: English (intermediate level)
May 20, 2021: External biology, geography (secondary education, secondary school certificate)
After the examination work, all students have the opportunity to improve their performance in up to three subjects in an oral examination. An oral compulsory examination is not planned.
Vocational schools (commercial school, trade school and social care school): Instead of the written central final exams in the vocational schools, there should be a central examination paper in each of the respective examination subjects.
Training preparation and workshop school : For the secondary school leaving certificate in the area of the vocational school types “training preparation” and “workshop school”, the subjects German and mathematics are written examination subjects. The basic skills are tested orally. Here, too, there will be a central school examination paper instead of the national central written final exams. Pupils who, due to the changed examination, did not obtain the qualifications for the secondary school leaving certificate should be given the opportunity to improve their performance in an oral examination.
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