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Italy's Maturity 2021: more than 15,000 students with honors

December 28, 2021

Original Article:

The original article requires translation.

On the website of the Ministry of Education, the first data relating to the State Exams of upper secondary school are available. Also for 2021, following the health emergency, only one test was kept, the oral one.

The interview started from a paper, concerning the characterizing disciplines, but open to a multidisciplinary perspective, assigned by the class council, which the students had to prepare and deliver before the exams.

The results

This year 96.2% of those attending the second cycle state exam were admitted. The graduates are 99.8% of the female students and students who took the exam (they were 99.5% in the school year 2019/20). Graduates with honors are 3.1% compared to 2.6% a year ago. More than one in two graduates takes a grade above 80: 52.9% of female students are in the 80-100 grade range, compared to 48.9% last year. Valuations between 91 and 99 (at 15.6%) and in the 81-90 grading range (passing from 21.1% to 20.7%) were practically stable.

The 60 votes go from 5.5% in 2020 to 4.8% this year: they are therefore decreasing. The votes in the 71-80 range go from 25% to 23.7%, the 61-70 from 20.7% to 18.5%. The percentages of female students and students with 100 rose from 9.6% last year to 13.5%.

The lecturers awarded 15,353 male and female students with honors. Looking at the ratio between graduates with honors and total graduates, the highest percentage is recorded, as it was last year, in Puglia (5.9%). Followed by Umbria (4.8%), Marche (4.4%), Calabria (4.4%).

The highest grade average is confirmed in high schools, where 4.7% of candidates achieved honors, 17.3% reached 100 (an increase compared to 12.9% last year), 18 , 1% between 91 and 99, 21.9% between 81 and 90. Specifically, the Classico is confirmed in first place for the number of graduates with honors (8.5%), followed by the European high school (7.5% ) and from the scientific high school (7%).

These are followed by the Technical courses, in which 1.7% of the students obtained honors (an increase compared to 1.4% a year ago), 10.4% obtained 100, 13.1% among 91 and 99, 19.3% between 81 and 90. In the Professionals, praise for 0.8% (compared to 0.5% in 2020), 100 for 8.4%, the 91- 99 for 13% and 81-90 for 20.1%.


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