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France's general and technological baccalaureate: start of the specialty teaching tests

May 15, 2023

Original Article:

Depending on the specialty, they will be supplemented by oral tests or evaluation of experimental skills.

Set up in 2021, the specialty tests saw their organization greatly disrupted by the health crisis in 2021 and 2022. This year, for the first time, they are taking place in March as planned by the high school reform . The holding of these tests in March allows in particular, for the first time, the taking into account of the marks obtained by the candidates in the procedure of access to higher education training via Parcoursup. These tests represent 32% of the final baccalaureate mark (excluding options).

Candidates will be able to access their results and their copies via their candidate space on Cyclades from April 12. These results will then be available on the Parcoursup platform .


536,081 candidates sit the tests for specialty courses in France (including 8,296 individual candidates) broken down as follows:  

  • General route: 390,710 candidates;
  • Technological pathway: 145,371 candidates

Correction of copies

As a reminder, the correction of the copies is dematerialized for all the proofs. The organization of the corrections is broken down into three stages:

  • Upstream, the consensus committees bring together all the correctors to explain and discuss the correction recommendations specific to each discipline;
  • During the correction period, support from the inspection bodies is implemented in all the academies in order to respond to any questions or difficulties from the correctors;
  • A final harmonization phase allows fair treatment of all candidates, through the meeting of correctors who can thus correct any differences in rating.

As a reminder, the calendar of final exams is as follows:

  • Philosophy test: June 14, 2023
  • Advance French test (written): June 15, 2023
  • Grand oral: from June 19 to 30, 2023
  • Written examinations for general education of the professional baccalaureate: from June 13 to 15 and June 22 and 23, 2023 

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