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Abi 2024 in NRW: All exam dates at a glance

April 19, 2024

Original Article:

The original article requires translation.

Thousands of students in North Rhine-Westphalia are currently taking their Abitur. But when exactly do the written and oral exams take place? An overview.

For many students in North Rhine-Westphalia, the most important and exciting exam of their school career is coming up again: the Abitur.
But when exactly will the written and oral Abitur exams take place in NRW in 2024? What follow-up dates are there? And when do students receive their Abitur certificate so that they can apply for studies or training?
Abitur 2024 in NRW: In which subjects will the students be tested?
Pupils in North Rhine-Westphalia must take exams in a total of four subjects for the 2024 Abitur. They decide for themselves in which subjects they will be examined. “Advice on the individual choice of subjects and on shaping a student’s school career takes place at school by the advisor,” says the North Rhine-Westphalia Ministry of Education.

However, when choosing subjects, students must adhere to certain ministry guidelines. On the one hand, the four Abitur subjects must cover a total of three different areas of activity: linguistic-literary-artistic, social-scientific and mathematical-scientific-technical. It should be noted that art and music do not cover the linguistic, literary and artistic field and that sport and religion are not assigned to any field of activity. The latter cannot therefore be chosen as Abitur subjects at the same time. On the other hand, two of the Abitur subjects must be German, mathematics or a foreign language.

Which Abitur subjects are examined orally and which are written?
For the 2024 Abitur in North Rhine-Westphalia, students must complete a total of four exams. The two advanced course subjects and the third Abitur subject are written examination subjects. The fourth Abitur subject, however, is only examined orally.

According to the Ministry of Education, the three written Abitur subjects are only examined orally if students have either not achieved the required 100 points or want to improve voluntarily. The oral examinations will take place on Friday, July 5, 2024 at the latest.

When will the written Abitur exams take place in NRW in 2024?
The written Abitur examinations in North Rhine-Westphalia start on Tuesday, April 16, 2024. This means that April 15 is officially the last day of classes for high school graduates . In total, the written Abitur exams take place over a period of three weeks. The last exams will be written on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 . An overview of the dates for the individual subjects:

  • Tuesday, April 16th: Written examinations for the subjects art, music, geography, education, history, philosophy, psychology, law, social sciences, Protestant and Catholic religious studies and sports
  • Thursday, April 18th : Written examinations for the basic courses Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, art, music, geography, education and history, philosophy, psychology, law, social sciences as well as Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox religious teachings and Islamic religious education
  • Friday, April 19th : Written examinations for the advanced and basic courses in the subjects of biology, chemistry, nutrition, computer science, physics and technology
  • Monday, April 22nd : French (basic and advanced course)
  • Thursday, April 25th : German (basic and advanced course)
  • Friday, April 26th: Latin, Italian, Dutch, Russian, Turkish (basic and advanced course)
  • Thursday, May 2nd: Spanish, Portuguese, Modern Greek, Greek (basic and advanced courses)
  • Friday, May 3rd: English (basic and advanced course)
  • Tuesday, May 7th: Mathematics (basic and advanced course)


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