Technicians, teachers and students from the 13 Special Education Departments (GEEs) receive this training and will have activities until the day of the exams.
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Technicians, teachers and students from the 13 Special Education Departments (GEEs) receive this training and will have activities until the day of the exams.
In the countdown to the main national assessments aimed at high school students - the Basic Education Assessment System (Saeb), between October 23 and November 10, 2023, and the National High School Exam (Enem), on the November 5th to 12th -, the State Department of Education (Seduc) continues to prepare and coordinate teachers so that they can provide the necessary support to students in the state education network.
On Wednesday (20), the special management for High School Exams and High School Strengthening at Seduc held the last preparatory workshop. Promoted at Efex/Cepa, the training was aimed at the coordinators of the Teacher Mentor Program of the 13 Special Education Departments, who will be multipliers for the school mentor coordinators, who, in turn, will disseminate the knowledge acquired until the exams are taken. , together with teachers and students.
In addition to this training, other activities will be promoted until the day of the exams, according to Danielly Verçosa and Andreia Alves, respectively, special managers for High School Exams and High School Strengthening. “We held three workshops through which we formed the five steps of the map. The first was to make the student understand what Saeb and Enem are, in addition to their importance in this process; the second sought to strengthen mobilization”, explains Andréia. “In today's training, which encompasses the last three stages, considering the proximity of the exams, we seek to increase the engagement of the entire school community to guarantee the effective participation of students on exam days”, adds Danielly.
Engagement and motivation
During the fourth training session, the preparation also included relaxation activities, and the participants approved the initiative. This is what Cíntia dos Anjos, mentor coordinator of the 8th GEE - which covers Pão de Açúcar and the region -, and Josafá Ferreira Campos, of the 7th GEE, which covers União dos Palmares and Vale do Mundaú, say.
“We are here at Seduc for another Saeb and Foca workshop on Enem. It is these actions that will effectively strengthen learning activities at GEE and at school, focusing on student performance”, declared, enthusiastically, the coordinator of the 7th GEE.
“It is of fundamental importance to have this training, as we intensify the work with our students and mentor teachers, developing practices and dynamics related to Saeb and Enem. These are actions that will be multiplied in schools”, reinforced Cíntia, highlighting the motivation of her team at each training session.