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Benin Baccalaureate Session of June 2021: 1949 Candidates Work For The Donga

Nov 1, 2021, 12:51 PM
Ministers Kouaro Yves Chabi and Eléonore Yayi Ladékan, of secondary and higher education launched this Monday, at Ceg1 in Djougou, in concert with the prefect of Donga Biao Ainin Soulémane Eliassou and the Mayor Séibou Abdoul Malik of Djougou, the written exams of the Baccalaureate, session of June 2021.
Title : Benin Baccalaureate Session of June 2021: 1949 Candidates Work For The Donga
Source : Matin Libre
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The original article requires translation.

It was ringing 8:01 am, when the very first test was launched. The authorities, long before proceeding to its symbolic distribution to a few candidates, urged everyone to give the best of themselves.

In short, 82,938 candidates are working for the baccalaureate session in June 2021, for a total of 31,931 girls registered. In the department of Donga, they are 1949 candidates, to go to the conquest of this very first university degree. It should be noted, however, that the number of candidates nationally has declined by 13.07% compared to the previous year.

“The Bac got off to a good start. Handwashers, security staff, it's all there, we've been around, they're not stressed at all. It is an honor for the department hosting the launch for the first time. We wish them good luck, ”said the Minister of Higher Education.

His secondary school colleague, for his part, greeted all the players in the national education system, especially teachers and social partners, who understood the meaning of the reforms undertaken by the government. “In recent years, school time has been fully respected and you are also seeing results which are improving from year to year. I think that's the main thing, we will have to continue on this path, ”he was satisfied.

The prefect, after thanking the government for the timely organization of the various exams, nonetheless deplored the really small number of candidates presented by the Donga department. “Here we are describing the reduced number of candidates. From my point of view this is not yet what is needed. The Donga department is not small in size and for the population that we have, the number of learners should be two or three times what we have ”, noted Biao Ainin Soulémane Eliassou. To do this, he invited the parents of students to do everything to keep the children in school.

Mayor Abdoul Malik Séibou, on this occasion, also expressed his gratitude to the two ministers and to the government, for the choice made on the municipality of Djougou for this national launch. "We can only say thank you to the government, thank you to the ministers who came to launch the BAC in Djougou, to allow everything to go well," said the mayor among others.

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