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Around 6,500 people took the Basic Cycle accreditation test in Uruguay

Nov 10, 2021, 12:05 PM
The second edition of the Basic Cycle accreditation test, AcreditaCB, was carried out by 6,447 people, almost double that of last year. The evaluation was carried out in 53 offices located throughout the country through the SEA platform of Plan Ceibal.
Title : Around 6,500 people took the Basic Cycle accreditation test in Uruguay
Source : ANEP
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The original article requires translation.

The second edition of the Basic Cycle accreditation test, AcreditaCB, was carried out by 6,447 people, almost double that of last year. The evaluation was carried out in 53 offices located throughout the country through the SEA platform of Plan Ceibal. Registrations to take it in 2022 will be in December.

This evaluation, which allows the person who performs it to have the possibility of completing the Basic Cycle, lasts three hours and consists of three modules of reading, problem solving and writing activities, aligned to the graduate profile of the Curricular Framework of Reference National (MCRN).

To approve it, applicants must reach the level of proficiency in each of the areas. It is also possible to save it when the applicant has a proficiency level in two areas, and when in the third he approaches the proficiency threshold.

The test is completed online on the SEA learning evaluation platform with the support of Plan Ceibal.

It should be remembered that during the first edition (which was held in February 2020) of the 5,553 registered and authorized to take it, 3,604 were presented in the 43 premises arranged by the ANEP for its application, that is, 61% of the total qualified.

The president of the Central Directing Council of ANEP, Robert Silva, valued this proposal as “an opportunity for thousands of people who have not been able to complete the Basic Cycle. This is one of the most important problems we have in the country, the culmination of the Middle Basic and Middle Upper educational cycle ”.

Silva emphasized continuing to promote this evaluation in the future, "spreading it more so that more people come forward and have this possibility."

Likewise, it reported that around 880,000 Uruguayans over 29 years of age do not have the full Basic Cycle in our country.

What's new?
It should be noted that this year's test was modified to make it more accessible and inclusive. In this sense, during the application session, an experience was carried out with a deaf and hard of hearing population in a group at the Institute of Teachers "Artigas", and with prisoners in the Prison Unit No. 20 of the department of Salto.

Applicants, over 21 years of age and with a complete Primary Education, registered through a form where they were asked about the reasons that motivated them to register. The results show that a third of them do it for work reasons, another third to continue their studies, and the rest declare that they do it to achieve personal fulfillment.

Regarding the experiences collected by the applicators and coordinators, it was a day full of emotion, enthusiasm and desire to improve. The testimonies are moving by the stories of people who appreciate the opportunity to show their skills acquired throughout life.

From now on the process of correcting the activities begins and it is estimated that the results will be available at the end of the year.

The next AcreditaCB cycle will be in June 2022, so registrations will begin in December of this year.

Romina was motivated by her son to take AcreditaCB so that “she doesn't make the same mistake as her mother and spend so much time without studying, and to get a better job”.

Fernando also decided for his children who encourage him to continue studying. “I stayed in the second year of high school and we have to continue. I want to enroll in the School of Gastronomy ”, he said.

Sandra stressed that she wants to continue studying and “grow as a person professionally as well. Then see what's next. It is an impulse to continue training, to be able to study other things (...) You have to encourage people to do it and sign up. It is never too late to do it and you can go further ”.


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