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2,710 people obtained a bachelor's degree with the validation of the Icfes in 2023

Jan 30, 2024, 03:00 AM
It is a validation test that the Icfes offers to national and foreign citizens over 18 years of age. The next application of this exam will be on Sunday, April 7, 2024 and registration for the ordinary registration was open until Thursday, January 11, 2024, and the extraordinary one from Monday, January 15 to Friday, January 19, 2024.
Title : 2,710 people obtained a bachelor's degree with the validation of the Icfes in 2023
Source : El Diario
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The original article requires translation. 

It is a validation test that the Icfes offers to national and foreign citizens over 18 years of age. The next application of this exam will be on Sunday, April 7, 2024 and registration for the ordinary registration was open until Thursday, January 11, 2024, and the extraordinary one from Monday, January 15 to Friday, January 19, 2024.

Thanks to the Academic Baccalaureate Validation test offered by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education – Icfes, 2,710 people over 18 years of age who did not manage to complete the formal education cycle and obtain their bachelor's degree in 2023.

The Icfes offers national and foreign citizens over 18 years of age, who for some reason did not manage to complete their academic training in an educational institution, to become high school graduates with this exam, which they must pass with a total score, equal to or higher, to thirty (30).

“By presenting the validation exam, the Icfes manages to certify that those evaluated have the basic knowledge competencies necessary to obtain the bachelor's degree. To achieve this achievement, they must surpass 30 of the 60 possible points,” explained Elizabeth Blandón, general director of Icfes.

Of the 5,200 people summoned for this test in the previous period, which was presented in March for those in calendar B, 1,608, that is, 30% of those evaluated, obtained their degree and the Icfes issued them the diploma and degree certificate. that accredits them as academic bachelors. While, in September, for calendar A, 3,800 people were summoned, of which 1,102, that is, 29%, achieved their bachelor's degree.

“This is a great opportunity for those who have not completed their educational cycle to obtain the required score, and therefore their high school degree, and thus be able to continue with their process of accessing higher education in Colombia,” added Blandón Bermúdez.

The Academic Baccalaureate Validation test evaluates skills in critical reading, mathematics, natural, social and civic sciences, and English. It should be noted that this test is not aimed at those who complete their academic cycle through validation courses, but rather at those who did not start or finish their secondary education.

The next application of this exam will be on Sunday, April 7, 2024 and registration for the ordinary registration was open until Thursday, January 11, 2024, and the extraordinary one from Monday, January 15 to Friday, January 19, 2024. Those interested can register by entering:


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