Speakers Bureau - Financial Aid Optimization
Paying for college is a major concern for prospective college students and families. Institutions must be aware rising costs and how it impacts college access. The burden of paying for college often has an extra layer of stress associated with it because of the complexities associated with the means in which families use to pay for college. The “financial aid process” can be an ambiguous process that can intimidate students and parents. Since federal financial aid policies are often changing and since there is a growing population of students who come from families with no college experience, it is crucial for institutions to be able to refine financial aid processes to ensure that students are able to access funds in an efficient and accurate manner. There are operational methods that can be utilized to ensure that students not only have access to funds but that processes are streamlined to help grow enrollment by utilizing financial aid data points.
When selling products or services, businesses maximize revenue by striving to ensure that consumers have “user friendly” methods to purchase their products or services. This approach should be utilized by institutions of higher learning. Institutions should ensure that paying for college does not become a detriment for students attending. Over the course of the workshop, we will help you:
Identify methods to better communicate and educate the student population of the financial aid process
Utilize Financial Aid as a recruitment and retention tool
Develop Packaging Practices that leverages scholarship and grant dollars for student access
Discover areas where efficiencies can be created.
Increase awareness of knowledge gaps between practitioners and students
Prioritize service in a compliance driven environment