Knowledge of Student Records Management Law, Policy, and Governance

Strong working knowledge of state, federal, accreditation and institutional student records compliance mandates and proven leadership, the training of staff, faculty, and administrators. Demonstrated professional achievement working with student records and academic policy enforcement.

Content knowledge requirements: Federal and State laws and regulations governing higher education and privacy of records. Requirements of regional, national and programmatic accreditation requirements pertaining to student records and data maintenance.

Skill requirements: Understanding of all legal and accreditation-related requirements associated with the processing, storing, releasing, archiving and destruction of student educational records. Ability to research best practices in the field, and to develop training programs for faculty ,staff and administrators.

Ethical requirements: Understanding and willingness to enforce all applicable laws, regulations and policies governing the privacy, access to and proper persistence/disposal of student records.

Expertise Levels

Entry level: General awareness of student privacy issues and those laws and regulations governing the safe keeping of student records. Familiarity with available resources (online, publications, etc.) on laws and policies related to student data.

Intermediate level: Specific understanding of the major provisions of each law, regulation or requirement. Ability to assist one’s institution in developing training/informational materials and training sessions for students and staff.

Expert level: Have a complete and thorough understanding of all applicable laws and requirements. Ability to assess possible violations, investigate the claims and have the authority to issue findings and if necessary, implement changes in institutional processes/ procedures and recommend disciplinary action for employees if a violation has occurred.