Core Competencies


Professional Development & Contributions to the Field

Functional Description

Support professional development for one’s self and others in order to advance sound academic and enrollment services practice, foster innovation, and remain attune to issues affecting higher education. This includes presenting at state, regional, or national conferences; contributing to professional association and academic journals; serving on professional association committees and leadership teams; and collaborating with colleagues through partnerships, conference attendance, and related activities. 

Content Knowledge Requirements

Working knowledge of professional development opportunities and resources; ability to remain current regarding trends and innovations in higher education. 

Skill Requirements

Presentation and public speaking skills; strong sense of inquiry; personal initiative/self-starter; professional and academic writing and research skills; ability to work independently and as part of a larger team; ability to provide leadership to both small and large groups and with new or existing initiatives. 

Ethical Requirements

Willingness to examine personal and professional development needs and actively seek opportunities to strengthen those areas; willingness to engage in opportunities outside of one’s own institution and contribute at a state, regional, or national level; willingness to engage in opportunities with individuals or teams from institution’s different than one’s own institution.

Expertise Levels

Entry level

Attends state, regional, or national professional development opportunity on a limited basis.

Intermediate Level

Attends state, regional, or national professional development opportunities; occasionally seeks opportunities to participate in leadership positions and/or present at conferences; promotes professional development opportunities for staff.

Expert Level

Regularly attends state, regional, or national professional development opportunities; regularly seeks opportunities to participate in leadership positions and/or present at conferences; actively engages in inter- and cross-institutional partnerships as a means of increasing professional development opportunities for one’s self and one’s staff; overtly supports staff engagement in personal and professional development activities.

How to Use Our Core Competencies

The Competencies & Proficiencies are designed to be used in a variety of ways, including:

  • Crafting professional development plans for individuals or teams
  • Self-assessment and benchmarking individual professional development
  • Drafting position descriptions and evaluating office functions

The AACRAO Competencies and Proficiencies are a living resource that will continue to evolve parallel to the demands of our professions in a dynamic higher education environment. If you would like to make a suggestion for a future version, contact us at